Academic Career Development

Research Development and Leadership Training
The HRC supports a range of research development opportunities, as well as leadership training and individual mentoring for early and mid-career researchers (entry via application process).
Our primary contribution is to the College of Arts and Social Sciences Research Leadership Program (RLP), which works with a cohort of individual researchers across all fields of the humanities and social sciences at ANU to build competitive research profiles and funding applications in highly competitive funding contexts, recognises and enhances the capacity of researchers to provide peer-to-peer mentoring and to develop team-work and multidisciplinary communities of practice, and supports the recognition of research excellence and leadership within and outside of the participant’s own discipline context.
The RLP offers pathways for competitive funding applications and coaches mid and senior career researchers in developing and documenting capacity development evidence and other necessary skillsets. For an introduction to the Research leadership Program, please watch this video from the program launch.
The HRC is able to provide research skill training, capacity development (mentoring at scale), and research leadership training for individuals or groups at other Australian universities. These tailored programs are particularly well suited to individuals in the HASS sector applying for ARC Fellowships (DECRA, Future Fellowship or Laureate schemes). Please email to discuss your needs.
The HRC also collaborates across Australasian universities via the ACHRC to support researchers through a range of training and networking initiatives, including Humanities in the Regions and thematic annual series, such as the 2020 series Everything you always wanted to know about Digital Humanities (But were too afraid to ask).