Visiting Fellows
Professor Vanessa Agnew
Position: Visiting Fellow
School and/or Centres: Humanities Research Centre
Location: Technical University Dortmund
Visit date: 21 Aug – 4 Sep 2024
Dr James Bednall
Position: Visiting Fellow
School and/or Centres: Humanities Research Centre
Location: Charles Darwin University
Visit date: 11 Nov – 14 Dec 2024
Dr Visakesa Chandrasekaram
Position: Visiting Fellow : 2024 SSSHARC/HRC Fellow in Creative Practice
School and/or Centres: Humanities Research Centre
Location: University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Visit date: 1 Aug 2024
Ms Maree Clarke
Position: Visiting Fellow
School and/or Centres: Humanities Research Centre
Location: Visual Artist
Visit date: 3 Jun – 29 Jul 2024
Professor Sharon Crozier-De Rosa
Position: Visiting Fellow
School and/or Centres: Humanities Research Centre
Location: University of Wollongong
Visit date: 1 May – 15 Jun 2024
Mr Geraint Evans
Position: Visiting Fellow
School and/or Centres: Humanities Research Centre
Location: Swansea University, Wales
Visit date: 29 Jul – 13 Sep 2024
Professor Christopher Ewing
Position: Visiting Fellow: 2024 HRC-Freilich Fellow
School and/or Centres: Humanities Research Centre
Location: Purdue University
Visit date: 18 Nov – 20 Dec 2024
Professor Vanessa Agnew
Position: Visiting Fellow
School and/or Centres: Humanities Research Centre
Position: Honorary Professor
School and/or Centres: Humanities Research Centre
Location: Technical University Dortmund
Visit date: 20 Feb – 26 Aug 2023
Dr Bill Balaskas
Position: Visiting Fellow
School and/or Centres: Humanities Research Centre
Location: Kingston University
Visit date: 17 Apr – 26 May 2023
Dr Joel Barnes
Position: Visiting Fellow
School and/or Centres: Humanities Research Centre
Location: University of Queensland
Visit date: 1 Apr – 13 May 2023
Dr Lucy Benjamin
Position: Visiting Fellow
School and/or Centres: Humanities Research Centre
Visit date: 4–8 Sep 2023
Professor Malcolm Campbell
Position: Visiting Fellow
School and/or Centres: Humanities Research Centre
Location: University of Auckland
Visit date: 17 Oct – 18 Nov 2023
Professor Deirdre Coleman
Position: Visiting Fellow
School and/or Centres: Humanities Research Centre
Location: University of Melbourne
Visit date: 19 Feb – 23 Mar 2023
Dr Charlotte Gleghorn
Position: Visiting Fellow
School and/or Centres: Humanities Research Centre
Location: University of Edinburgh
Visit date: 1–30 Nov 2023
Dr Miles Pattenden
Position: Visiting Fellow
School and/or Centres: Humanities Research Centre
Location: Australian Catholic University
Visit date: 15 Feb – 31 Mar 2022
At ANU, Dr Pattenden is working on research that connects HRC’s annual theme on “Mobilities” to an ACU-funded research project on “Religious Mobilities: Europe and the Medieval and Early Modern World”. His contribution to this is to consider new ways of writing papal history with mobility as their lens.Dr Malini Sur
Position: Visiting Fellow
School and/or Centres: Humanities Research Centre
Location: Western Sydney University
Visit date: 31 Jan – 2 May 2022
At ANU, Dr. Sur is working on her new project on air pollution, urban bicycling cultures and repair economies in India. She has co-edited two Special Issues in CITY and Economic and Political Weekly on these themes. Her first documentary film Life Cycle, about air pollution and urban cycling in India has been screened at the Perth, Sydney, Canberra, Santiago, Singapore, Kolkata and New York.Dr Kate Bagnall
Position: Visiting Fellow
School and/or Centres: Humanities Research Centre
Location: University of Tasmania
Visit date: 17 Oct – 23 Dec 2022
Dr Bagnall's research focuses on histories of family, migration and the law in Australia, New Zealand and the British Empire, and she is best known for her work on Chinese Australian history and the history of the White Australia Policy and its colonial antecedents.Dr Isobelle Barrett Meyering
Position: Visiting Fellow
School and/or Centres: Humanities Research Centre
Location: Macquarie University
Visit date: 9 May – 6 Jun 2022
Dr Isobelle Barrett Meyering is a Macquarie University Research Fellow in the Department of History and Archaeology, and is currently working on a history of children’s rights in Australia.Professor Catharine Coleborne
Position: Visiting Fellow
School and/or Centres: Humanities Research Centre
Location: University of Newcastle
Visit date: 26 Sep – 31 Oct 2022
Professor Catharine Coleborne is a historian and is the Head of the new School of Humanities, Creative Industries and Social Sciences at the University of Newcastle, Australia. Professor Coleborne is currently writing a monograph for a Bloomsbury Academic series, ‘Empire’s Other Histories’: Vagrant Lives in Colonial Australasia, 1840-1920. This book builds on Coleborne’s research and writing about mobility in history in relation to social institutions, policing, poverty and colonial life.Professor Rob Cover
Position: Visiting Fellow
School and/or Centres: Humanities Research Centre
Location: RMIT University
Visit date: 15 Aug – 15 Oct 2022
Professor Rob Cover's research focuses on gender and sexuality in the context of digital media, healthy bodies and social belonging. He is Professor of Digital Communication at RMIT UniversityAssociate Professor Kent Fedorowich
Position: Visiting Fellow
School and/or Centres: Humanities Research Centre
Visit date: 19 Sep – 10 Dec 2022
Associate Professor Kent Fedorowich is a specialist in Anglo-dominion relations. His current project, which stems from a recently published essay about Bristolians who fought in the Dominion armies (1914-1918), and appeared in Douglas E. Delaney, Mark Frost and Andrew L. Brown (eds), Manpower and the Armies of the British Empire in Two World Wars (Cornell UP, 2021), explores the wartime experiences and identities of members of these dominion contingents who wrote home about ‘mother’ between 1914 and 1919.Pages
Fellow Summary (by surname)
Click surname to jump to biography.
- Dr Vanessa AGNEW
- Dr Nadia ATIA
- Professor Margaret FERGUSON
- Dr Christopher HOLDRIDGE
- Professor Greg HORSLEY
- Dr Steven HOWE
- Associate Professor Rachel HURST
- Professor Elena ISAYEV
- Professor Dean KOTLOWSKI
- Dr Mélanie LAMOTTE
- Associate Professor Liang LUO 羅靚
- Associate Professor Paul MAGEE
- Professor Karen REDROBE
- Professor David SIMPSON
- Professor Amy SMITH
- Professor Rajeswari SUNDER RAJAN
- Associate Professor Paola ZAMPERINI
Fellow Biographies (by date of arrival)
Note: Some information is excerpted from the website of the respective Fellow's home institution.
University of Lucerne, Switzerland Law
Narratives of Transgression: Film, Crime and Legal Culture in Weimar Germany
7 February - 30 April |
Steven Howe is Senior Teaching and Research Fellow at the University of Lucerne, Switzerland. His research interests include German and European Romanticism, early-twentieth-century German literature and film, as well as interdisciplinary themes at the intersection between law and the humanities. His publications include: Heinrich von Kleist and Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Violence, Identity, Nation (2012), Unverhoffte Wirkungen: Erziehung und Gewalt im Werk Heinrich von Kleists (with Ricarda Schmidt and Seán Allan, 2015) and Recht und Kultur (edited with Jessica C. Lai, 2015). He is currently working on a project exploring representations of law, crime and justice in the films of the Weimar era in Germany. |
University of New England, Australia Classics and Ancient History
Welcome, Stranger? Attitudes to Outsiders in Mediterranean Antiquity
13 March - 4 June |
Greg Horsley is a Professor of Classics and Ancient History in the School of Humanities at UNE. His research interests include Greek literature (especially drama) historians, social and political history, inscriptions especially from Asia Minor, as well as papyrology and palaeography, religious cults in the Hellenistic world, and the early Christian movement. |
University of the Free State, South Africa International Studies
The Australian Convict as Stranger: Policing Mobility in the Global Nineteenth Century
15 April - 20 June |
Chris Holdridge is an NRF Scarce Skills Postdoctoral Fellow in the International Studies Group, University of the Free State (South Africa) and an honorary Adjunct Research Fellow in the School of Philosophical, Historical, and International Studies, Monash University (Australia). His current book manuscript, Settler Protest and the End of Britain's Convict Empire, 1838–1868, examines political agitation and lobbying for constitutional reforms in the British settler antipodes of Australia and the Cape Colony, South Africa. |
Associate Professor Elena ISAYEV
University of Exeter, UK Classics and Ancient History
Between Hospitality and Asylum: from Homer to Kant and the UN
17 April - 10 July |
Elena Isayev is an historian who uses the ancient Mediterranean, and in particular Italy, as a way to explore migration, belonging and the construction of place. Her research and teaching interests range from histories of pre-Roman groups in Italy, through material remains (Lucania 2006), to deconstructing theories of generation conflict and youth in republican Rome (in Historia 2007). Currently she is focusing on ancient mobility and spatial perception (Migration Mobility and Place, forthcoming, Cambridge), a project that was made possible by a Fellowship at the Davis Center in Princeton and the AHRC. |
Associate Professor Paola ZAMPERINI
Northwestern University, US Chinese Literature & Gender Studies
Dangerous Romances. The Stranger in Chinese
1 May - 1 July |
Paola Zamperini is the founding chair of the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at Northwestern University. Her research and teaching interests span pre-modern Chinese Literature, Gender Studies, Chinese History, Fashion Theory, Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism, and contemporary Chinese fiction, cinema, and popular culture. To date, she has written and published extensively about prostitution, female suicide, pornography and spiritual resonance in pre-modern Chinese literature. |
Cambridge University, UK History
Before Race Mattered. Ethnic Prejudice in the French Empire, c.1635-1767
14 May - 30 June |
Mélanie Lamotte is currently a Newton Trust/Moody Stuart Research Fellow at Newnham College, University of Cambridge. She is preparing a book for publication based on her doctoral research, with the title Before Race Mattered. Ethnic Prejudice in the French Empire, c. 1635-1767. This will be the first book envisioning French Atlantic and Indian Ocean territories together, through the use of comparisons and the consideration of trans-imperial networks. It will also provide a much-needed assessment of ethnic prejudice during the early phase of French colonisation. |
Salisbury University, US History
The Right to Remain Strange: American Indian/Aboriginal Policy in the United States and Australia, 1960-1992
28 May - 19 August |
Dean Kotlowski is a Professor of History at Salisbury University in Maryland, USA. He has published numerous articles on and chapters on US political and diplomatic history. He has twice been a Fulbright Scholar at De La Salle University in Manila (2008) and at the University of Salzburg, Austria (2016). |
Associate Professor Paul MAGEE
University of Canberra, Australia English and Creative Arts
The Strange Nationality of Contemporary Poets
29 May - 19 August |
Paul Magee is author of Stone Postcard (John Leonard Press), Cube Root of Book (JLP 2006), also in verse, and From Here to Tierra del Fuego (University of Illinois Press, 2000), which is an ethnographic monograph. Paul is Chief Investigator on the ARC-funded discovery project Understanding Creative Excellence: A Case Study in Poetry (2013-5), and has published widely across a number of scholarly fields, including creative writing scholarship, psychoanalysis and Marxian thought. Paul teaches poetry at the University of Canberra, where he is Associate Professor. |
Queen Mary University of London, UK English
The Question of the Stranger: Australian Nursing Narratives in the Middle East (1914-1921)
5 June - 30 July |
Nadia Atia has lectured in World Literature at Queen Mary University of London since 2012. My research examines the literature and cultural history of the First World War outside Europe. Her first monograph, World War I in Mesopotamia: The British and the Ottomans in Iraq (IB Tauris, 2016) explores how ideologies of race and empire shaped the ways in which British travellers, archaeologists, servicemen and women from different classes and professional backgrounds interacted with and represented the region now known as Iraq, in the early twentieth-century. |
Associate Professor Liang LUO 羅靚
University of Kentucky, US Chinese Studies
A Strange New Woman—The White Snake in Three Keys
8 June - 11 August |
Liang LUO is an associate professor of Chinese Studies at the University of Kentucky. She holds a Ph.D. in East Asian languages and civilizations from Harvard University and an M.A. in comparative literature and world literature from Beijing Normal University. She is the author of The Avant-Garde and the Popular in Modern China (University of Michigan Press, 2014). Her recent writings on intermediality, the politics of performance, and the dialectics of dancing and writing can be seen in Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, Trans-Humanities, and Frontiers of Literary Studies in China. She has done interdisciplinary and multilingual research at Tokyo University, Stockholm University, Stanford University, Ewha Woman's University, and Fudan University in the past, and she is very excited to the part of the Humanities Research Centre here at ANU. She is a board member of the European Foundation Joris Ivens in Nijmegen, The Netherlands and serves on the editorial board of Trans-Humanities, published by the Ewha Institute for the Humanities in Seoul, South Korea. She is currently working on two book-length projects, The Humanity of the Non-human: Gender, Media, and Politics in The White Snake (book and digital project) and The International Avant-Garde and Modern China (book and documentary film project). |
University of Pennsylvania, US Art History and Media Studies
Undead: Animation, Temporal Strangers, and the Contemporary Art of War
21 June - 16 August |
Karen Redrobe (formerly Beckman) is the Elliot and Roslyn Jaffe Professor of Cinema and Modern Media and chair of the department of the History of Art. She is the author of Vanishing Women: Magic, Film and Feminism (Duke UP, 2003); Crash: Cinema and the Politics of Speed and Stasis (Duke UP, 2010), and is now working on a new book, Undead: Animation and the Contemporary Art of War. For several years she served as a senior editor of the MIT journal Grey Room, and is now a member of its editorial board. She is also a member of the PMLA advisory board. |
Professor Rajeswari SUNDER RAJAN
New York University, US English
Cast Out: Women and the Politics of Impiety
1 July - 31 August |
Rajeswari Sunder Rajan is Global Distinguished Professor of English at NYU. Sunder Rajan’s work spans debates about the relationship between gender, postcolonialism and culture in the context of post-Independence Indian nationalism. A volume of essays, Commodities and Culture in the Colonial World, jointly edited with Professors Supriya Chaudhuri, Josephine McDonagh, and Brian Murray is forthcoming (Routledge, 2017). |
University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Anglophone Studies
Right to Arrive: Reenacting Encounters Between Strangers and Hosts
20 July - 20 September |
Vanessa Agnew is wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in the Department of Anglophone Studies at the University of Duisberg-Essen. Her research interests include Anglo-German cultural history, biology and the history of science, historical reenactment and travel writing. Her most recent book is Enlightenment Orpheus: The Power of Music in Other Worlds (Oxford UP, 2008). |
European University Institute, Italy History
Cosmopolitanism in Eighteenth-Century Europe: Concepts, Networks and Practices
4 September - 26 November |
Simon MacDonald is a Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow at the European University Insitute. He is a cultural and transnational historian of European and global interaction and exchange from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries. His interdisciplinary research and teaching revolves mainly around the history of cosmopolitanism during the eighteenth century, exploring intellectual debates, cross-cultural transfer, and transnational groups. |
University of Reading, UK Classics and Archaeology
Encountering Strangers in Classical Athenian art: The Case of the Pan
17 September - 30 November |
Amy Smith is a classical archaeologist, with a primary interest in iconography and its many manifestations, especially in politics and religion. She is also the curator of the Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology at the University of Reading, a research associate of the Beazley Archive, University of Oxford, and an editor of Digital Classicist, an online scholarly community and research hub. |
U.C. Davis, US English
Myths of Hymens
19 September - 30 November |
Margaret Ferguson is a is a Distinguished Professor of English at UC Davis. Ferguson was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2014 and also served that year as President of the Modern Language Association, to which she remains an active contributor. Her areas of interest include Early Modern literature, literacy studies, and feminist theory in English, French, and Italian. She has published extensively on these topics, and is a member of numerous advisory boards for journals spanning literary and cultural theory. |
U.C. Davis, US English
States of Terror: History, Literature, Theory
19 September - 30 November |
David Simpson is a Distinguished Professor of English at UC Davis. His areas of research interest are Romanticism and literary theory. He is a member of the editorial board of Cambridge Studies in Romanticism and of Modern Language Quarterly. He is the author of numerous books, most recently Situatedness; or Why we Keep Saying Where We're Coming From (Duke UP, 2002), 9/11: The Culture of Commemoration (UChicago P, 2006); Wordsworth, Commodification, and Social Concern: The Poetics of Modernity (Cambridge UP, 2009); and Romanticism and the Question of the Stranger (UChicago P, 2013). |
Associate Professor Rachel HURST
St. Francis Xavier University, Canada Gender Studies and Anthropology
Settler Fantasies and Colonial 'Before and After' Photography
Dates TBA |
Rachel Hurst is an Associate Professor at St. Francis Xavier University. In Hurst's own words, her research interests lie in the relationships between embodiment, (visual) culture, and power, from the perspectives of psychoanalysis and decolonial thought. She is the author of Surface Imaginations: Cosmetic Surgery, Photography, and Skin (MQUP, 2015) and co-editor of Skin, Culture and Psychoanalysis (Palgrave, 2013). |
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Dr John ATTRIDGE Comparative Literature Studies, British and Irish Literature, North American Literature, Literature in French "Liberal trust in the age of catastrophe: imagining social order in English and French fiction, 1902-1953"
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John Attridge is Senior Lecturer in English in the School of the Arts and Media, University of New South Wales. He completed His PhD at the University of Sydney in 2007 and taught at the Université Paris 7 before starting at UNSW in 2009. His research is on the cultural history of European modernism, and has particular research interests in Joseph Conrad, Ford Madox Ford, Henry James and Marcel Proust. My essays on Conrad, Ford, James and Flann O'Brien have appeared in journals such as ELH, Modern Fiction Studies, Modernism/modernity and The Times Literary Supplement. |
Professor Deirdre COLEMAN 18th and 19th century literature, science, and cultural history; abolitionism, women's writing, travel, colonialism, natural history, racial ideology, the gothic May - June |
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Deirdre Coleman completed Honours in English at the University of Melbourne before going to Oxford University where she graduated with a BPhil (1979) in Victorian literature and a DPhil (1986) on Coleridge's journalism. Since returning to Australia she has taught at the Universities of Wollongong, Adelaide and Sydney. While at the University of Sydney she was awarded the Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Research Supervision. In 2007 she returned to the University of Melbourne as the Robert Wallace Chair of English, and served as Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Arts from 2010-2013. She is currently completing a biography of the entomologist Henry Smeathman (1742-86) entitled The Flycatcher: Science, Slavery and Empire in the Age of Reason. |
Professor Dan EDELSTEIN Eighteenth century France, with research interests at the crossroads of literature, history, political theory, and digital humanities “The Myth of Revolution”
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Dan Edelstein is Professor of French and, by courtesy, History, Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages Stanford University. His first book, The Terror of Natural Right: Republicanism, the Cult of Nature, and the French Revolution (University of Chicago Press, 2009) examines how liberal natural right theories, classical republicanism, and the myth of the golden age became fused in eighteenth-century political culture, only to emerge as a violent ideology during the Terror. Edelstein's second book entitled The Enlightenment: A Genealogy (University of Chicago Press, 2010) explores how the idea of an Enlightenment emerged in French academic circles around the 1720's. In addition, he has published articles on such topics as the Encyclopédie, antiquarianism, Orientalism, the Idéologues, political authority, and structuralism. |
Professor Peter HALLWARD Recent and contemporary political philosophy, theories of democracy, popular empowerment and political change; conceptions of political will; recent French Philosophy, especially Sartre, Foucault, Deleuze, Badiou, Ranciere; contemporary critical theory; existentialism; theories of globalization; postcolonial theory "The Will of the People" 2 July - 7 August |
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Peter Hallward teaches at the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy at Kingston University in the UK. After working in the French Department at King’s College London 1999-2004, Peter joined the CRMEP in 2005. Peter's research interests include political philosophy, recent and contemporary French Philosophy (especially Sartre, Foucault, Deleuze, Badiou, Rancière), contemporary critical theory, and postcolonial theory. His books include Damming the Flood: Haiti and the Politics of Containment (2007), Out of this World: Deleuze and the Philosophy of Creation (2006), Badiou: A Subject to Truth (2003), and Absolutely Postcolonial (2001). Peter is currently completing a book entitled The Will of the People, alongside brief studies of Rousseau, Marx and Blanqui. |
Assoc. Professor Ulrich Timme KRAGH Literary and critical studies of classical, medieval, and modern Asia, theory of history, form and authority, University of Copenhagen "Trope and Narrative as Discursive Forms of Authority in Asian Historical Consciousness" 1 November - 30 December |
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Ulrich Timme Kragh is Associate Professor of Asian Studies at Copenhagen University in Denmark. He completed his PhD in Tibetology and Indology at Copenhagen University and Hamburg University in Germany. During his time at the HRC, he will formulate new methodologies drawn from classical rhetorical Asian traditions, which are suitable for the study of deep textures of narrative and tropes in pre-colonial as well as post-colonial Asian historiographies. |
Professor Joel KUIPERS Linguistic anthropology; ethnography of speaking; ethnoscience; ritual; gender; nationalism; politics of culture; medical anthropology. Regional focus: Indonesia "Pious Communication in Islamic Java: Qur’anic Arabic and Changing
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Joel Kuipers is a linguistic anthropologist at George Washington University and interested in the role of language in the description and interpretation of social life, particularly how authoritative discourse shapes institutionally defined activities in clinics, courtrooms, classrooms and religious settings. He is Director of Graduate Studies for the Anthropology M.A. program and Director of GW's Discourse Laboratory. |
Professor Donald MACRAILD 8 - 24 July |
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Don MacRaild is Professor of British and Irish History having previously held chairs of History at the Northumbria University and Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Prior to that, he held lectureships at the universities of Northumbria and Sunderland. Don is a Lancastrian with Scottish roots on both sides of his family and was born and raised in the shipbuilding town of Barrow-in-Furness. He is a leading authority on the Irish Diaspora and has has produced ten books or pamphlets and over forty articles and chapters. |
Professor Nicole MOORE Australian Literature (excl. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Literature), Comparative Literature Studies "Towards a Biography of Dorothy Hewett" 1 April - 30 June |
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Nicole Moore is Associate Professor in the English Program at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, ADFA, University of New South Wales and her main research interests are in Australian literature, broadly defined, with a specific focus on the history of book censorship and literary publishing. She is the author of The Censor's Library: Literary Censorship in Twentieth-Century Australia (forthcoming with University of Queensland Press) and co-author (with Marita Bullock) of Banned in Australia, an electronic bibliography of literary titles banned in Australia from 1901-1973. |
Professor Cynthia NEVILLE Medieval Scottish history, Social history, Cultural history, Religious history, Medieval English legal history "Mercy, justice and royal authority in later medieval Scotland" 1 October - 30 November |
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Cynthia J. Neville holds the George Munro Chair in History and Political Economy at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where she teaches medieval history. She has published extensively on various aspects of the legal, social and political history of northern England and Scotland in the period 1100-1500. Her books include Violence, Custom and Law: The Anglo-Scottish Border Lands in the Later Middle Ages (Edinburgh, 1998), Native Lordship in Medieval Scotland: The Earldoms of Strathearn and Lennox, c.1140-1365 (Dublin, 2005), which won both the Margret Wade Labarge prize from the Canadian Society of Medievalists and the Agnes Mure Mackenzie Scottish History Book of Year Award from the Saltire Society, Scotland and Land, Law and People in Medieval Scotland, published in 2010 by Edinburgh University Press, which was short-listed for the Saltire Society Scottish Research Book of the Year Award. She recently completed, with Grant G. Simpson, an edition of the written acts of King Alexander III for the Regesta Regum Scottorum series (Edinburgh, 2013). Professor Neville’s current research explores the subject of royal pardon in Scotland in the later medieval period. |
Professor Carole NEWLANDS Augustan and post Augustan poetry; late Antique and Medieval poetry, in Roman and medieval art, and in the reception of classical textsch, University of Colorado, USA "Scotland and the Classics" 1 September - 30 October |
After being awarded a PhD in Comparative Literature and Medieval Studies from the University of California Berkeley in 1984, Carole Newlands was appointed James Hutton Assistant professor at Cornell University. In 1988 she took up an appointment at UCLA as an Assistant Professor, then as an Associate Professor. After teaching between 2000-2009 as a full professor at UW-Madison, she was appointed Professor of Classics at CU Boulder. Her research interests include classical and Medieval Latin literature and cultural and reception studies. She is the author of over forty articles on classical and medieval topics, and she has published several books. Her new work involves travel in the imperial Roman world and the role that the Classics played in Scottish culture. |
Assoc. Professor Davide PANAGIA Multidisciplinary interests across the humanities and social sciences including democratic theory, the history of political thought, interpretive methodologies, cultural theory, media studies, aesthetics, literary studies, and visual culture "Ranciere's Sentiments" 1 - 30 July |
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Davide Panagia is a political theorist at University of Califrnia, USA and specializes in the relationship between aesthetics and politics, with an ongoing curiosity about the diverse ways in which the sensation of value is generated and assembled in political societies. Much of his research is informed by the traditions of moral sentimentalism from the long eighteenth century to the present, especially as regards theories of association and assembly formation in the writings of David Hume, Gilles Deleuze, and Jacques Rancière. His current work on “#datapolitik” explores how emerging media alter the forms of power and thinking that occupy everyday living. He is also a member of UCLA’s Center for Global Digital Cultures. Prof. Panagia has published three books: The Poetics of Political Thinking (Duke UP, 2006), The Political Life of Sensation (Duke UP, 2009), and Impressions of Hume: Cinematic Thinking and the Politics of Discontinuity (Rowman and Littlefield, 2013). |
Professor Patricia PLUMMER Literature and culture of the long eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, on Orientalism, travel writing and transcultural spirituality, postcolonial and gender studies as well as popular culture. “Challenging Authority? Gender, Identity and Power in Contemporary Popular Culture: A Comparative Approach” 23 February - 20 April |
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Patricia Plummer is Professor of Postcolonial Studies at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. She has been senior lecturer at the University of Mainz and interim professor at the universities of Koblenz and Landau. Together with the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Diversity Management and the Essen Centre for Gender Studies she is implementing Diversity Studies at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Patricia Plummer is currently editing the proceedings of an interdisciplinary symposium on transcultural Western encounters with Japan which she hosted in 2012; she is also writing a book on women, art and theosophy in early twentieth-century Australia. |
Professor David WORRALL Georgian Drama, William Blake and Romantic period sub-cultures.. "A Longitudinal Study of British Stage Censorship, 1737-1832" 15 July - 15 September |
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David Worrall is professor of English at Nottingham Trent University and currently ANU Research Fellow at the Humanities Research Centre. His new book, Celebrity, Performance, Reception: British Georgian Theatre as Social Assemblage will be published by Cambridge University Press in October 2013. David Worrall has held grants and Fellowships from the Leverhulme Trust, AHRC, British Academy, Huntington Library and Folger Shakespeare Library. |
Professor Carmel O'SHANNESSY, Mixed Languages, Language contact phenomena, language variation and change, child language acquisition, University of Michigan. "Local reactions: Documentation of Light Warlpiri and WarlpiriLocal reactions: Documentation of Light Warlpiri and Warlpiri".
Dates: Feb 1 - Feb, 17 and Mar 4 - April 15.
Carmel O’Shannessy is Associate Professor of Linguistics at the University of Michigan. She completed her PhD in Linguistics at the University of Sydney (Australia) and the Max Planck Institute forPsycholinguistics (The Netherlands) in 2007. Within the areas of language contact, endangered languages and language acquisition, her research focuses on the genesis and development of LightWarlpiri, a newly emerged mixed language in north Australia, and documentation of children’s bilingual acquisition of Light Warlpiri and Warlpiri. She has been involved with languages in remote Indigenous communities in Australia since 1996, in the areas of bilingual education and her current research.
Professor Jurgen LEONHARDT, Latin Philologie, Humanities University of Tuebingen Germany. To think about a sys-tematic approach, namely how global languages and national/regional languages form multilingual communication spaces.
Dates: 1-15 March 2015).
Professor Volker GAST, Jena English and American Depts, Friedrich Schiller University. Negotiating the common ground: Annotation and comparative analysis of conversational transcripts from selected global and local languages.
Dates: 2 March - 10 April 2015.
Volker Gast studied general and comparative linguistics and Latin in Mainz. He graduated in 1999 with a thesis on Tzotzil, a Mayan language spoken in Mexico, on which he did some fieldwork. He obtained his PhD in Berlin in 2003, with a thesis on the syntax and semantics of intensifiers and reflexives in Germanic languages. Since 2009, he has been a professor of English linguistics at the University of Jena. His current research interests are mainly in the areas of linguistic typology, language documentation and semantics, with a focus on corpus-based methods. He is working on the multi-level annotation of texts from typologically diverse languages. Since 2012, he has been doing fieldwork on Idi, a language spoken in southern Papua New Guinea.
Professor Craig BRANDIST, Russian and Slovenic Studies, University of Sheffield, The Early Soviet Critique of Indo - European Philosophy.
Dates: 22 March - 22 May 2015.
My research is currently focused on the intellectual environment in the USSR in the 1920s and 1930s, with particular reference to emerging theories of language and culture at that time.
I have long been interested in the interaction between Marxism, phenomenology, Gestalt Theory and various forms of linguistic and cultural theory within the specific context of early-Soviet Russia. Some of the figures with whom my research engages at present include Lev Vygotskii and his Circle, the Bakhtin Circle, N.Ia. Marr, I.G. Frank-Kamenetskii, O.M. Freidenberg, K.R. Megrelidze. Isaak Shpil´rein and Lev Iakubinskii. However, I am also interested in the changing institutional contexts within which these figures worked and the way in which the shaped the development of the fields to which they contributed.
Most recently I have been working on the relationship between the anti-imperial policies of the revolutionary movement and early Soviet state and the development of an ideology critique of the main trends in European philology and oriental studies. This has significant implications for understanding the origins of post-colonial scholarship and the way in which ideas such as 'hegemony' are employed today.
With this in mind, I have been researching the years Antonio Gramsci spent in Russia, which will result in a collection of articles and archival materials co-edited with Peter Thomas of Brunel University.
Dr Jose Esteban HERNANDEZ, Modern Languages, University of Texas Pan American, Edinburg, Texas. Language, Identity, and Transnationalism in a Situation of Dialect Contact. Dates: 5 April - 30 May 2015.
José Esteban Hernández (University of New Mexico, Phd Hispanic Linguistics) is Associate Professor of Hispanic Linguistics at the University of Texas Pan American. His research interests include sociolinguistic variation, dialect and language contact, and discourse analysis and discourse markers. Most recently, he has focused on language and identity issues under language and dialect contact situations. He has authored and co-authored in venues such as Journal of Sociolinguistics, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana, Revista de Filología y Lingüística, and Southwest Journal of Linguistics. José Esteban Hernández has taught courses on the dynamics of language variation and change, and the sociolinguistics of U.S Latino communities.
Dr Nina FISCHER, The Global Language of Holocaust Memory.
Dates: 10 April - 10 June 2015.
Nina Fischer is currently a visiting fellow at the Humanities Research Centre. Previously, she has held fellowships at the University of Edinburgh, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and the ANU Centre for European Studies. She also served as project manager and research fellow of the ‘History & Memory’ research group at Konstanz University.
Nina’s research areas include Memory Studies, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, and Middle Eastern Studies. She is writing a book about cultural representations of Jerusalem from the late 19th century until today and while at the HRC, she is preparing a project on the uses of Holocaust memory in relation to Aboriginal Australian suffering.
Memory Work: The Second Generation. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 (Memory Studies Series, in production).
Special Issues
Entangled Pasts: Transnational Memories in Australia and Germany. Special Issue of Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture 4, No. 1 (2013): 3-11, co-edited with Jacqueline Lo and Kate Mitchell.
Refereed Journal Articles
“Facing the Arab ‘Other’?: Jerusalem in Jewish Women’s Comics.” Comic Studies 6, No 2 (forthcoming 2015) (Special Issue: Comics by Jewish Women).
“Landscapes of Scripture and Conflict: Cultural Memories and the Israeli West Bank Barrier.” Landscapes 15, No. 2 (2014): 143-155 (Special Issue: Landscape and Conflict).
“Writing a Whole Life: Maria Lewitt’s Holocaust/Migration Narratives in ‘Multicultural’ Australia.” Life Writing 11, No. 4 (2014): 391- 410. (Special Issue: Displaced Women: Eastern European Post-War Narratives in Australia).
“Graphic Novels Explore an (Un-)Holy Land.” Quest: Issues in Contemporary Jewish History, 6 (2013): 73-107. (Special Issue: Travels to the “Holy Land”: Perceptions, Representations, and Narratives).
“Searching for a Lost Place: European Returns in Jewish Australian Second Generation Memoirs.” Crossings: A Journal of Migration and Culture 4, No. 1 (2013): 31-50.
“Introduction: Entangled Pasts.” Crossings: A Journal of Migration and Culture 4, No. 1 (2013): 3-11, (with Jacqueline Lo and Kate Mitchell).
“Re-inscribing Holocaust Memory: Ruth Klüger's still alive as American Jewish Autobiography.” Holocaust Studies: A Journal of History and Culture 18, No. 3 (2012): 37-75.
“‘And I did want to pass’: Reading Canadian Second Generation Holocaust Memoirs as Migration Texts.” Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik: A Quarterly for Language, Literature and Culture 59, No. 2 (2011): 109-122 (Special Issue: Crossroads: Canadian Cultural Intersections).
“Investigating (in) multicultural Jerusalem: Jonathan Kellerman‘s The Butcher‘s Theatre.” Religion and the Arts, 5, No: 1-2 (2011): 111-129 (Special Issue: Jerusalem).
Book Chapters
“Seeing and Unseeing the Dome of the Rock: Conflict, Memory and Urban Space in Jerusalem.” In Where Peace and Conflict Take Place: Analysing Peace and Conflict from a Spatial Perspective, edited by Annika Björkdahl and Susanne Buckley-Zistel. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. (in press).
“Das Schweigen und das Kind: Der Holocaust in der israelischen Gesellschaft in David Grossmans Momik.” In Schweigen edited by Jan and Aleida Assman. München, Paderborn: Fink, (2013): 167-191.
Professor Jennifer TUCKER, Fulbright Visiting Scholar, History of Art, University of York.
Dates: 15 May - 15 July 2015.
Jennifer Tucker received her BA in Human Biology (Neuropsychology of Vision, Perception, and Memory) from Stanford University, her Master’s in History and Philosophy of Science from the University of Cambridge, and her Ph.D. in the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology from Johns Hopkins University. She currently is Associate Professor of History at Wesleyan University, and a member of the core faculty of the Science in Society Program and the Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program.
Her research interests include British history during the long nineteenth century, the history of science and technology, Victorian visual culture, history and theory of photography, early science film, feminist science and technology studies, and the visual culture of Victorian environmental law. Her first book, Nature Exposed: Photography as Eyewitness in Victorian Science (Johns Hopkins University, 2006, released in paperback, 2013) explores the history of debates over photography and visual objectivity in Victorian science and popular culture from planetary astronomy and meteorology to bacteriology and spiritualism. She has published numerous articles and essays on subjects ranging from the historical relationship of law and image, visual history and the archive, photographic evidence in Victorian law, street photography, news pictures, the relationship between gender and genre in nineteenth-century European scientific and medical illustration, the significance of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in the history of photography, graphic methods, and science cinema from 1831 to 1940, and the significance of the railway station in the creation of photographic networks. She was guest editor of the special theme issue of History and Theory on “Photography and Historical Interpretation” (Dec. 2009). As a US-UK Fulbright Scholar in the History of Art at the University of York she completed her second book-length project, “Identity after Photography: The Great Tichborne Trial in the Victorian Visual Imagination.” This study, currently under review, excavates hundreds of photographs, engravings, and other visual materials that circulated around the time of the high-profile trial in order to show both the impact of new nineteenth-century media upon the conduct of legal proceedings and some of the factors that led to the trial’s emergence as a dominant subject of Victorian visual culture. Her next major project, “Science Against Industry: Photographic Technologies and the Visual Politics of Pollution Reform,” which she will undertake at the College of the Environment and (May/June) as a Visiting Fellow at the Humanities Research Centre at the Australian National University in 2014-15, traces the historical roots of the use of visual evidence in environmental science and pollution reform, focusing especially on visual representation in chemical climatology and the presentation of visual exhibits in Victorian courtroom debates over air and river pollution.
Jennifer serves in a number of editorial roles including editor of the “Image, Technology, History” feature of History and Technology journal, co-editor of a new book series on photography and history published by Bloomsbury Academic Press (London), and member of the Radical History Review editorial collective. Her research and teaching have been supported by a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, Carol A. Baker Memorial Prize for Excellence in Interdisciplinary Teaching and Research, SSRC and ACLS Grant, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Summer Research Stipend, Clark Art Institute Visiting Research Fellowship, Smithsonian Institution Research Fellowship, NSF Grant, Johns Hopkins University Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, and a British Marshall Scholarship. In 2009-2010, she was in residence as a Hixon-Riggs Visiting Professor of History and Science/Technology Studies at Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, California and in 2012-2013 she served as Interim Director of the Allbritton Center for the Study of Public Life. Collaborative events she has helped organize include “Eye of History: The Camera as Witness” and “Science a Moving Image” and the 2014 AALAC Symposium, “Visual Studies in the Liberal Arts,” held at Smith College. Her op-eds have appeared in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and the Boston Globe.
Dr Oisin KEOHANE, Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, Jackman Humanities Institute, University of Toronto, Canada. How to do things with 'Anglobalisation': Towards Linguistic Justice. Dates: 18 May - 30 June 2015.
Oisín is a specialist in the philosophy of language and arts, phenomenology, critical theory, and political philosophy. He has been a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Universities of Johannesburg (2012) and Edinburgh (2013). His work focuses on philosophical nationalism, theories of translation, linguistic justice and English as a world language, and cuts across several disciplines, including philosophy, sociolinguistics, translation studies, film studies and politics.
His research can be divided into four main areas: 1) conceptualising English in the age of Anglobalisation, 2) conceptualising the ‘global/globe’ in contrast to the ‘worldly/world’ in light of the work of Kant, Heidegger, Derrida and Sloterdijk, 3) the problem of linguistic justice (by both building on, and critiquing, the work of Van Parijs, who has provided the first systematic treatment of this theme), and 4) how best to react to the Anglobalisation of philosophy itself.
Dr Jock Onn WONG, Centre for English Language Communication, National University of Singapore. 'Meaning as a Challenge in the Understanding of ‘Global’ English.
Dates: 8 June - 11 July 2015.
Research interests include semantics, pragmatics, language universals, and the relationship between langauge and culture. Taught courses in semantics, pragmatics, cross-cultural communication, and academic English. Research interests lie in the relationship between language and culture (with focus on Singapore English and Anglo English) and language pedagogy. Joined the National University of Singapore as a post-doctoral fellow with the Department of English Language and Literature (July 2006 - June 2008). Joined the Centre of English Language Communication as a lecturer, first teaching academic English to post-graduate students from non-English speaking backgrounds. Currently teaching in a program called 'Ideas and Exposition'. The idea is to use content to teach writing. My module is called 'English, Singlish and Intercultural Communication'.
Dr Manav RATTI, Dept of English, Salisbury University. The Languages of Justice: Postcolonialism, Law, and Literature.
Dates: 12 June - 11 August 2015.
Dr Manav Ratti is Associate Professor of English at Salisbury University in Maryland, USA. His research interests are wide-ranging and interdisciplinary, including postcolonial and literary theory, global literatures, and South Asian literary and cultural studies. His current project examines the intersections between law and literature, with a special focus on justice and human rights as represented in literature from diverse postcolonial contexts, including Australia, India, and South Africa. He is the author of The Postsecular Imagination: Postcolonialism, Religion, and Literature (Routledge, 2013; paperback 2014), which he presented at the Ottawa International Writers Festival in 2013. Ratti has served as a Fulbright Scholar at New York University, Research Fellow at Queen’s University Belfast, and was recently a Fellow at Jawaharlal Nehru University. He has been educated in the UK (Oxford D.Phil. and M.St.; Cambridge M.Phil.) and Canada (B.A., University of Toronto). For more information and sample publications, see
Professor Alan THOMAS, Department of Philosophy.Tilburg University. Linguistic Justice: A New Liberal Framework.
Dates: 22 June - 20 August 2015.
Educated at King's College, Cambridge, Harvard University and Oxford University Professor Thomas is Professor of Ethics at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. He was formerly a Visiting Research Professor at Tulane University (Murphy Fellow, 2009-2010), a Visiting Scholar in the philosophy department at UBC, Vancouver,(2007-2008) and a lecturer/senior lecturer at the University of Kent (1998 - 2009). He previously taught at the universities of Oxford, Keele, Birmingham and King's College, London.
Dr Annabelle MOONEY, Dept of Media Culture and Language University of Roehampton, London UK. Working on her current research focusing on the language of money, Participating in Symposium being organised by Professors Wiezbicka and Goddard.
Dates: 21 June - 4 August 2015.
Annabelle is a Reader in Sociolinguistics at the University of Roehampton in London. Her most recent research argued for a universal frame for human rights, focusing on the body, the globe and human language (Ashgate, 2014). She has also published on representations of gender, the language of religion, HIV and quality of life, globalization and public announcements on public transport. She teaches sociolinguistics including language and gender, language and law and narrative. She also teaches on Language, Society and Power, and has recently completed (with Betsy Evans) the fourth edition of the associated textbook (Routledge, 2015). Her current research looks at the language of money, particularly from a lay perspective. Using cognitive metaphor theory and data from informants, she is working with Dr Evi Sifkai in order to find out what money is.
Dr Felix AMEKA, African Languages and Cultures Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, The Netherlands. Screen Memories: “Development means eye-red”: Cultural meanings in Glocalised Ghanaian Englishs.
Dates: 13 June - 4 September 2015.
Primary research interests are the quest for the meaning of linguistic signs and exploring their use in social interaction. I am also interested in how and why languages vary and chagne over time and space, also in the reflexice relation between language, culture and cognition. I am concerned with questions of how cultural factors and cognitive processes as well as contact shape meanings and structures of languages. I work with primary data collected using ethnographic and experimental methods. My empirical specialisation is West African languages, mainly Kwa languages and other languages of wider communication, namely, Hausa and Fulfulde. My focus is on Gbe, i.e. Ewe, Gen Aja and Fon; Ghana-Togo-Mountain languages, especially Likpe; Guang and Akanic languages.
Professor Don KULICK, Comparitive Human Development, University of Chicago, Chicago.USA. An extended discussion of and engagement of his research on a small isolate Papuan language in PNG.
Dates: 1 August - 30 September 2015.
E: Dkuli
I am an anthropologist committed to ethnographic fieldwork as a method and as a way to approach and extend theories about interaction, social life and subjective understanding. I have conducted fieldwork in Papua New Guinea, Brazil, Sweden, Denmark and Italy. My writing addresses topics such as the language socialization of children, language death, the anthropology of literacy, indigenous forms of Christianity, reflexive epistemology, prostitution, queer theory, transgender, language and sexuality, fat, and ethics and disability.
My most recent book, Loneliness and Its Opposite: sex, disability and the ethics of engagement (written with Swedish historian Jens Rydström), is in press and will be published by Duke University Press in February 2015.
As part of my longstanding involvement with vulnerable populations, I have become interested in animals and the species boundary. I teach a course on animals and have written an article about fat pets.
I spent most of 2009 back in Gapun village, Papua New Guinea, and I have recently completed a grammar and dictionary of the moribund language spoken there, titled Tayap Mer: Grammar and Dictionary of a Papuan Isolate Language. I am currently working on a new monograph about Gapun titled The End: how a language dies.
Professor Dominic THOMAS, French and Francophone Studies, University of California. "Global Migration and Global Languages".
Dates: 15 October - 15 December 2015.
Dominic Thomas is Chair of the Department of French and Francophone Studies at UCLA. His teaching and research interests include contemporary French politics, globalization, and sub-Saharan African culture and politics. Thomas was the recipient of a German-American Fulbright Commission Award for Germany and Belgium in 2011 and recently a Research Professor at Humboldt University (Berlin). Publications include Black France: Colonialism, Immigration, and Transnationalism (2007) and Africa and France: Postcolonial Cultures, Migration, and Racism (2013).
Professor Joseph SLAUGHTER, English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University. "To Live as a Photograph", a chapter for Rights on Paper: Essays on Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and the Humanities. (15 March 2014 to 12 April 2014). E:
Dr Ankhi MUKHERJEE, English Language and Literature, University of Oxford. Seminar Slumdog: Psychoanalysis of Poverty in Mumbai and London. (3-17 April 2014). E:
A/Professor Maryanne DEVER, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Newcastle, Archive Futures. (25/5 - 16/6, 21/9-3/10, 10/11 - 21/11). E:
Dr Thomas BRISTOW, English Literature, University of New England. The Aesthetic Image and the Ontological Status of Seeds. Dates: (31 May 2014 to 30 June 2014). Email:
Professor Patricia SPYER, Anthropology of Contemporary Indonesia, Leiden University. Visual Cultures of Place-making in a Precarious Age. (7 June - 5 August 2014). E:
Professor Richard SHERWIN, Visual Persuasion Program, New York Law School. Visualizing Law in the Digital Age. Dates: (15 June 2014 to 15 July 2014). E:
Professor Alison YOUNG, Criminology, University of Melbourne. Image, Affect, and Law. (23 June - 15 July 2014). E:
A/Professor Norma MENDOZA-DENTON, Anthropology, University of Arizona. Latina/o Gangs on YouTube: Language, Localism, and Music Fandom in Social Media. Dates: (30 June 2014 to 29 August 2014). E:
Dr Victoria DUCKETT, School of Communication & Creative Arts, Deakin University. Polyphony and performance: integrating the theatre into cinema's modernity. Dates: (1-26 July 2014). E:
Professor Peter GOODRICH, Law, Cardozo School of Law. Visiocracy. (2-21 July 2014). E:
Professor Dipesh CHAKRABARTY, Department of History, The University of Chicago. (7 July 2014 to 31 August 2014). E:
Professor Timothy HITCHCOCK, Eighteenth-Century History, University of Hertfordshire, UK. Voices of Authority, Theatres of Judgement. Dates: (12 July 2014 to 10 September 2014). E:
Professor Ian CHRISTIE, Film and Media History, Birkbeck College, University of London. 'A New Source of History'? Exploring how digital access to archive film can bridge the credibility gap. (14 July - 8 August 2014). E:
Professor Brian REED, English, University of Washington. Conceptual Poetry, Digital Technologies, and the Visibility of Language. Dates: (14 July 2014 to 12 September 2014). E:
Professor Deb VERHOEVEN, School of Communication and Creative Arts, Deakin University. New Cinema History, Cultural Infrastructure and the Computational Turn: Foreign Language Cinema in Australia. (21/7-1/8, 11/8-22/8, 1/9-12/9). E:
Dr Michael MACK, English Studies and Medical Humanities, Durham University. Science and Ethics of Literature: Cinema, Neuroscience and the Digital Screen. Dates: (1 August 2014 to 30 September 2014). E:
Professor Paul CARTER, Department of Design, RMIT University. Screen Memories: The Digital Design of Place in Alice Springs. (22 September 2014 to 8 November 2014). E:
Dr Amanda RAVETZ, Manchester Metropolitan University. Spontaneous drift: theorising place, digital screens and 'potential space'. Dates: (6 October 2014 to 4 December 2014). E:
SLAUGHTER, Professor Joseph
Dates: 15 March 2014 to 12 April 2014
Research Project: "Rights on Paper: Essays on Human Rights, Humanitarianism and the Humanities
Joseph Slaughter is associate professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University, where he teaches and in the fields of postcolonial literature and theory, African, Caribbean, and Latin American literatures, narrative theory, and human rights. His publications include articles in Alif, Human Rights Quarterly, Research in African Literatures, The Journal of Human Rights, Politics and Culture, Comparative Literature Studies, and PMLA. He is a founding coeditor of Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development. He is the recipient of a number of prestigious prizes and fellowships, including a Guggenheim Fellowship (2009). His first book, Human Rights, Inc.: The World Novel, Narrative Form, and International Law (Fordham, 2007) was awarded the 2008 René Wellek prize for comparative literature and cultural theory. He is currently completing two books: New Word Orders, on intellectual property and world literature, and Pathetic Fallacies, which revises the standard history of international human rights law by taking account of the roles that colonialism, corporations, and corporate personhood played in the establishment of an international legal order and the juridical categories that later made human rights possible.
SHERWIN, Professor Richard
Dates: 15 June 2014 to 15 July 2014
Research Project: "Visualising Law in the Digital Age
Richard K. Sherwin is Professor of Law and Director of the Visual Persuasion Project at New York Law School. He is the author of Visualizing Law in the Age of the Digital Baroque: Arabesques & Entanglements (Routledge: 2011) and When Law Goes Pop: The Vanishing Line between Law and Popular Culture (University of Chicago Press: 2000 [2002]). He edited and contributed to Popular Culture and Law (Ashgate: 2006) and co-edited (with Anne Wagner) Law, Culture, and Visual Studies (Springer: 2013), for which he also wrote the introduction. He has written numerous chapters and articles on topics ranging from the interrelationship between law and culture, law and rhetoric, discourse theory, semiotics, political legitimacy, and the emerging field of visual legal studies.
In 2001, Professor Sherwin debuted “Visual Persuasion in the Law,” the first course of its kind to teach law students about the role and efficacy (as well as the pitfalls) of using visual evidence and visual advocacy in contemporary legal practice. In 2005, Professor Sherwin launched the Visual Persuasion Project website, which seeks to promote a better understanding of the practice, theory, and teaching of law through the cultivation of critical visual intelligence.
A frequent public speaker both in the United States and abroad, Professor Sherwin is a regular commentator for television, radio, and print media on the relationship between law, culture, film, and digital media.
MUKHERJEE, Professor Ankhi
Dates: 3 April 2014 to 17 April 2014
Research Project: Seminar Slumdog: The Psychoanalysis of Poverty in Mumbai anbd London
Ankhi Mukherjee is an Associate Professor in the English Faculty at the University of Oxford and a Fellow of Wadham College. She teaches Victorian and Modern literature, postcolonial studies, critical theory and intellectual history. Mukherjee’s first book is Aesthetic Hysteria: The Great Neurosis in Victorian Melodrama and Contemporary Fiction (Routledge, 2007). Her second monograph, What Is a Classic? Postcolonial Rewriting and Invention of the Canon, published in 2013 by Stanford University Press, examines the residual influence of the Eurocentric canon on postcolonial and world literatures and emergent formations of canons and classics. Mukherjee has published in international peer-reviewed journals such as PMLA, MLQ, Contemporary Literature, Paragraph, Parallax, and others, and has co-edited A Concise Companion to Psychoanalysis, Literature, and Culture, to be published by Wiley-Blackwell in 2014.
HITCHCOCK, Professor Timothy
Dates: 12 July 2014 to 10 September 2014
Research Project: Voices of Authority, Theatres of Judgement
Tim Hitchcock is Professor of Digital History at the University of Sussex. With Robert Shoemaker and others, he is responsible for a series of websites giving direct and searchable access to a series of major collections of primary sources reflecting the social history of Britain, including: The Old Bailey Online (, London Lives (, Connected Histories (, and Locating London’s Past (
With degrees from the University of California at Berkeley and Oxford University, he has published books on the histories of eighteenth-century poverty, street life, sexuality and masculinity. His most recent books include Down and Out in Eighteenth-Century London (Hambledon and London, 2004/2007) and with Robert Shoemaker, Tales from the Hanging Court (Hodder Arnold, 2007). With Shoemaker, he has recently completed an interactive e-monograph to be published in 2015 by Cambridge University Press, entitled: London Lives: Poverty, Crime and the Making of a Modern City, 1690-1800. Hitchcock is currently working with Shoemaker, Barry Godfrey, Deborah Oxley, and Hamish Steward-Hamilton on an AHRC funded project, 'The Digital Panopticon', to tie together the records of the Old Bailey with Australian transportation records, and the records of imprisonment in the UK.
Hitchcock grew up in San Francisco and emigrated from the US to Britain in the late 1970s. In 2011, with Shoemaker, he was given the Longman-History Today Trustees Award, for their substantial contributions to history as the ‘directors of the groundbreaking digital projects The Old Bailey Proceedings Online and London Lives.’
DEVER, Professor Maryanne
Dates: 25 May to 21 November 2014
Research Project: Sexing the Archived Page
Maryanne Dever is an Associate Professor in the School of Humanities and Social Science at the University of Newcastle, Australia. She was previously Director of the Centre for Women's Studies & Gender Research at Monash University. She has also held posts at the University of Sydney and the University of Hong Kong, as well as visiting appointments at McGill University, University of Ottawa and University College London.
Her current research focuses on the status of archived paper with the advent of digital technologies. This research is centrally concerned with interrogating the relationship between materiality and methodology in archive-centred literary studies. The work engages with emerging debates across the Humanities regarding the character of materiality and matter and joins these to new methodological questions associated with the now well-established “archival turn” across many Humanities disciplines. Among her recent publications is the co-authored book, The Intimate Archive. She also has on-going research interests in the area of gender, work and higher education and has published widely on women's and gender studies. She was President of the Australian Women’s and Gender Studies Association (AWGSA) and has recently been appointed co-editor (with Lisa Adkins) of Australian Feminist Studies.
She is co-convenor (with Linda Morra, Bishops University) of the 'archivefutures' research network. See:
BRISTOW, Dr Thomas
Dates: 31 May 2014 to 30 June 2014
Research Project:
Tom Bristow is delighted to be a visiting fellow in the Humanities Research Centre at ANU. He is mindful of the HRC’s contribution to a number of fields, most significantly the Environmental Humanities. Tom was born in the same year that the HRC was established.
‘The Ontological Status of Seeds’ is an HRC project that Tom has conceived with a view to critiquing digital images of nature as objects within our cultural archive. This research relates to Tom’s interest in seed banks and environmental aesthetics, memory and history. Tom will present initial research findings within a panel titled ‘A Lexicon for the Environmental Humanities’ and during a colloquium on seeds at ‘Affective Habitus: New Environmental Histories of Botany, Zoology and Emotions’ – a conference that he will convene at HRC, June 19-21.
Tom reads English Literature at the University of Leicester and the University of Edinburgh. His principal area of research is the relationship between literature and the environment, with a particular focus on British and North American literature of the twentieth century; an enduring interest in Romanticism is present in his academic publications.
Current projects include: (i) Creative Ecological Investigations – placing artists in herbaria across Australia to interpret scientific data within a post-colonial and climate change context; funded by the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund; (ii) The Cultural Value of Seeds – a project in two parts, investigating colonial relations between Kew Gardens and Australian herbaria, and the tensions between traditional knowledge and intellectual property with respect to seeds and seed banks; funded by the Cooperative Research Centre for Remote Economic Participation; (iii) a monograph: Lyricism in the Anthropocene: Literary Geography and its Ecopoetic Counterpoint, a study of the poetry of Alice Oswald, John Kinsella and John Burnside, to be published by Palgrave MacMillan in 2014; (iv) a children’s book, Our Planet and You: Ecological Algebra, that will be developed as part of a research project into empathy for the more-than-human world, Penguin 2016-17.
Tom is President of the Association for the Study of Literature, Environment and Culture - Australia, New Zealand (ASLEC-ANZ). He is an editor of PAN (Philosophy, Activism, Nature); a board member of the Australasian Consortium of Humanities Research Centres (ACHRC); a contributor to the HfE-Mellon Australian Pacific Observatory in Environmental Humanities, University of Sydney.
After his fellowship at HRC, Tom will join the ‘Shaping the Modern’ programme at the University of Melbourne as a research fellow within the Australian Research Council’s Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions.
DUCKETT, Dr Victoria
Dates: 1 July 2014 to 26 July2014
Research Project:
Dr Victoria Duckett is Lecturer in Media Studies at Deakin University, Melbourne. Victoria has published extensively in the areas of performance, film and media studies. She is on the steering committee of Women and Film History International, on the editorial board of Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film and has curated films on performance for Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. In 2013 she was co- convenor of the 7th international Women and Silent Screen conference in Melbourne. She is co-editor of Researching Women in Silent Film: New Findings and Perspectives (University of Bologna, 2013). Her book Performing Passion: Sarah Bernhardt and Silent Film is forthcoming from the University of Illinois Press.
SPYER, Professor Patsy
Dates: 7 June 2014 to 4 August 2014
Research Project: "Visual Cultures of Place-making in a Precarious Age"
Patricia Spyer (PhD in Anthropology, University of Chicago, 1992) is Chair of Cultural Anthropology of Contemporary Indonesia at Leiden University, was Global Distinguished Professor at New York University’s Center for Religion & Media and Department of Anthropology from 2009-12, and is a Visiting Fellow at the Humanities Research Centre of the ANU in 2014. She is the author of The Memory of Trade: Modernity’s Entanglement on an Eastern Indonesian Island, Duke 2000, editor of Border Fetishisms: Material Objects in Unstable Spaces, Routledge 1998, co-editor of the Handbook of Material Culture, Sage 2013 [2006] and of Images That Move, SAR Press, 2013. She has published, among other topics, on violence, media and visual culture, materiality, and religion. Her current book project Orphaned Landscapes: Violence, Visuality, and the Work of Appearances in Post-Authoritarian Indonesia focuses on the mediations of violence and post-violence in the religiously inflected conflict in the Moluccas, Indonesia. She is on the board of the Prince Claus Fund, a member of the Advisory Council of the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, and an editorial board member of the Annual Review of Anthropology.
YOUNG, Professor Alison
Dates: 24 June 2014 to 15 July 2014
Research Project: Image, Affect and Law
Alison Young is a Professor of Criminology in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne. She is also an Adjunct professor at Griffith Law School and an Honorary Professor at the City Law School, London. She is the author of Street Art, Public City (2013), The Scene of Violence (2010), Street/Studio (2010), Judging the Image (2005) and Imagining Crime (1996), as well as numerous articles on the intersections of law, crime and culture. Her key research areas are law, art and public culture; cinema and crime; and image studies generally. She is completing an ARC Discovery Project examining the reception of street art in the cultural field, focusing upon its transformative potential in urban space; its reception and interpretation in the domain of fine arts; its impact upon the socio-legal regulation of public spaces.
MENDOZA-DENTON, Assoc. Professor Norma
Dates: 30 June 2014 to 29 August 2014
Research Project:
Dr. Norma Mendoza-Denton is a Professor in the Department of Anthropology at University of California at Los Angeles. She recently moved from an appointment as Professor in Anthropology and Linguistics at the University of Arizona - Tucson. Her interests include language, gesture, migration, youth subcultures, political dissent, gangs, and audiovisual approaches to ethnography. Her latest book is entitled Homegirls: Language and Cultural Practice among Latina Youth in Gangs (Wiley Blackwell 2008).
GOODRICH, Professor Peter
Dates: 2 July 2014 to 21 July 2014
Research Project: "Visiocracy"
Professor Goodrich was the founding dean of the Department of Law, Birkbeck College, University of London, where he was also the Corporation of London Professor of Law. He has written extensively in legal history and theory, law and literature and semiotics and has authored 12 books. He is managing editor of Law and Literature, and was the founding editor of Law and Critique. His most recent book is Legal Emblems and the Art of Law (Cambridge University Press, 2013); and to this coruscating and lucifugous erudition can be added co-writing and co-producing the award winning documentary Auf Wiedersehen: 'Til We Meet Again (Diskin Films, 2012).
REED, Professor Brian
Dates: 14 July 2014 to 12 Sept 2014
Research Project: Conceptual Poetry, Digital Tecnologies, and the Visibility of Language
Brian Reed is a professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Washington, Seattle. A recipient of the Rhodes and Fulbright Scholarships, he has written three books—Hart Crane: After His Lights (2006), Phenomenal Reading: Essays on Modern and Contemporary Poetics (2012), and Nobody’s Business: Twenty-First Century Avant-Garde Poetics (2013)—and co-edited two essay collections, Situating El Lissitzky: Vitebsk, Berlin, Moscow (2003) and Modern American Poetry: Points of Contact (2013). His digital projects have included Shakespeare Tweeted Daily, a reinvention of Shakespeare’s sonnets, and Professor Reed Recommends, a Tumblr-based illustrated pedagogical essay. A new book, A Mine of Intersections: Writing the History of Contemporary American Poetry, is forthcoming in 2015.
CHRISTIE, Professor Ian
Dates: 14 July 2014 to 28 July 2014
Research Project:
Ian Christie is a film historian, curator, broadcaster and consultant.
A Fellow of the British Academy, he is Professor of Film and Media History at Birkbeck College, director of the London Screen Study Collection and was President of Europa-Cinemas, of which he was a co-founder, in 2012-13.
He was a founder-member of London’s Screen Archives: the Regional Network (a network of all archives in London holding film, functioning as a ‘regional archive’ for the London region) and has been director of the London Screen Study Collection at Birkbeck College since 2007. He was a member of the Screen Heritage UK Programme Board, responsible for overseeing spending of UK Govt £25m grant to preserve and develop UK audiovisual archives (2008-12); and of Screen Heritage regional board (Revitalising the Regions), responsible for overseeing expenditure on regional film archives (2009-12).
He is a contributor to ‘restored’ editions of historic films on video (e.g. The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp; The Edge of the World; The Red Shoes,The Man in the White Suit, It Always Rains on Sunday, The Story of the Kelly Gang, etc) and has worked with the Film Foundation, writing about the restoration of The Red Shoes for its Cannes premiere, and promoting the cause of restoration for BFI with Martin Scorsese and Thelma Schoonmaker.
He has written and edited books on Powell and Pressburger, Russian cinema, Scorsese and Gilliam; and contributed to exhibitions ranging from Film as Film (Hayward, 1979) to Modernism: Designing a New World (V&A, 2006). Since the 1980s he has presented many Russian film seasons and events, interviewing Andrey Tarkovsky at the NFT/BFI Southbank in 1981 and Alexander Sokurov in 2011. In 2006 he was Slade Professor of Fine Art at Cambridge University, with a series of lectures entitled ‘The Cinema Has Not Yet Been Invented’.
Recent publications include: Audiences (editor, Amsterdam University Press, 2012) Stories we Tell Ourselves: the Cultural Impact of British Film 1946-2006 (co-author, for UK Film Council, 2009) and The Art of Film: John Box and Production Design (2009).
VERHOEVAN, Professor Deb Dates: 21 July 2014 to 12 September 2014
Research Project:
Deb Verhoeven is Professor and Chair of Media and Communication at Deakin University and Deputy Director of the Centre for Memory, Imagination and Invention. Professor Verhoeven is a leading proponent of the Digital Humanities in Australia, and is the Project Director of Humanities Networked Infrastructure (HuNI), a two-year project funded by NeCTAR (National eResearch Collaboration Tools and Resources). She served as inaugural Deputy Chair of the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia (2008-2011) and as CEO of the Australian Film Institute (2000-2002). She holds current appointments on the Find and Connect Web Resource Advisory Committee (Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs), the executive of the Australasian Association of the Digital Humanities (aaDH) and the Tasmanian Government’s Digital Futures Advisory Council. She is Chair of the 2015 Digital Humanities conference Programming Committee.
MACK, Professor Michael
Dates: 1 August 2014 to 30 September 2014
Research Project:
Michael Mack (PhD. Cambridge) is Visiting Fellow at Australian National University's Humanities Research Center and Reader in English Literature at Durham University, UK. Formerly he has been a Visiting Professor at Syracuse University, a Fellow at the University of Sydney, and lecturer and research fellow at the University of Chicago. He is the author of over forty peer-reviewed articles and the following books: Philosophy and Literature in Times of Crisis: Challenging our Infatuation with Numbers (Bloomsbury, 2014), How Literature Changes the Way We Think (Bloomsbury, 2012), Spinoza and the Specters of Modernity (Bloomsbury, 2010), German Idealism and the Jew (University of Chicago Press, 2003), and Anthropology as Memory (de Gruyter, 2001, Conditio Judaica Series).
RAVETZ, Dr Amanda
Dates: 6 October 2014 to 4 December 2014
Research Project:
Amanda Ravetz is a visual anthropologist with research interests and expertise in the interdisciplinary connections between anthropology and art/design; the theories and practices of observational cinema; and artist's development.
In 2012 Amanda was SAR Fellow at the National Film and Sound Archive, Australia.
Her most recent book Collaboration Through Craft (2013), an edited volume with Alice Kettle and Helen Felcey, offers a challenging new argument for the collaborative power of craft, analysing the philosophies, politics and practicalities of collaborative craft work. Observational Cinema: Anthropology, Film, and the Exploration of Social Life (with Anna Grimshaw), was published by Indiana University Press in 2009. Her edited volume with Anna Grimshaw, Visualizing Anthropology was published by Intellect Books in 2005 and investigates new collaborative possibilities between anthropology and other fields, linked to image-based work. Amanda's films have been screened in the UK, Finland, Latvia, Portugal, Germany, Majorca, USA and India.
Current research interests include expanded notions of drawing in relation to film; artistic epistemologies; improvisation, play and reverie in art and anthropology; and ontologies of creativity.
CARTER, Professor Paul
Dates: 22 September 2014 to 8 November 2014
Research Project:
Professor Paul Carter is an internationally acclaimed artist and academic. Paul has theorised creative research practice and mentors in this area. His research interests include: the poetics of place-making, public space design and the application of creative research to community renewal, strategic planning and policy formation. In 2004 he published Material Thinking which became a seminal book on the theory and practice of creative research. In 2008 he followed this up with Dark Writing: performance, geography, design which extends creative research theory and practice into the domain of planning.
Well known for publications such as The Road to Botany Bay and his public artwork Nearamnew at Federation Square, Paul characterises his current research portfolio as three concentric rings that have at their heart the challenge of defining and designing ambience:
•Creative Region is a constellation of creative place-making projects located in Victorian’s Western District;
•Turbulence is a project based exploration of the complex interplay between crowd behaviour and physical setting and program; and
•Archipelago (also project based) explores the scope of design to broker new creative communities internationally whose shared goal is the development of design tools to sustain fragile environments and advocate their values.
2013 Visiting Fellows
Dr Sarah PINTO, History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics, University of Queensland. History in the City: Indigenous Naming in Contemporary Australia. (14 January 2013 to 22 February 2013). Email:
Dr Jonathan ADAMS, Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University. The Roots of Islamophobia in Scandinavia. (1 February 2013 to 18 March 2013). Email:
A/Professor Quentin STEVENS, Design Research Institute, RMIT University. Commemoration and Public Space. (10-23 February 2013 and 23 April - 3 May 2013). Email:
Professor Kate DARIAN-SMITH, Australian Studies, University of Melbourne. Local Community, National Community. (14-15 April; 26 August - 6 October 2013; 4 November 2013 to 2 December 2013). Email:
Dr Alison O'BYRNE, English and Related Literature, University of York. The Urban Tour, 1750-1830. (22 April 2013 to 22 May 2013). Email:
Professor Ato QUAYSON, Centre for Diaspora and Transnational Studies, University of Toronto. Cities and Diasporas in the Global South. (12-26 May 2013). E:
Dr Kathryn BROWN, Art History, University of Tilburg, Netherlands. Global Art and the Networked City. (1 June 2013 to 12 August 2013). Email:
Professor Patricia FUMERTON, English, University of California, Santa Barbara. Moving Media, 1569-1789: Broadside Ballads, Cultural History and The Lady and the Blackamoor. (1 July 2013 to 28 July 2013). Email:
Professor Alan LIU, English, University of California, Santa Barbara. Media, History (Book Project). (1 July 2013 to 28 July 2013). Email:
Professor Birgit MERSMANN, European Art, Jacobs University, Germany. Asian Design of the Spectacular. (1 July 2013 to 15 August 2013). Email:
Professor Penelope RUSSELL, History, University of Sydney. Congregationalist Sydney. (1 July 2013 to 20 September 2013). Email:
Professor David WORRALL, English, Nottingham Trent University. Theatres and the Growth of British and American Cities, 1700-1830 etc…. (6 July 2013 to 28 September 2013). Email:
Dr Amy GARNAI, English and American Studies, Tel Aviv University. Romantic-Era Theatre at the Edge: 1791-1888. (8 July 2013 to 17 August 2013). Email:
Dr Ioana LUCA, English, National Taiwan Normal University. Post-Communist Cities, Global Publics. (14 July 2013 to 23 August 2013). Email:
Dr Tanja BUELTMANN, International History, Humanities Dept, Northumbria University. Making Urban Worlds: Ethnic Associationalism and Civic Life in the Wider British World, 1850-1930. (21 July 2013 to 30 August 2013). Email:
Professor Daniel HERWITZ, Humanities, University of Michigan & Honorary Research Associate, University of Cape Town. Operatic Ensembles in South Africa. (10 August 2013 to 26 August 2013). Email:
Professor Michael P. STEINBERG, Cogut Center for the Humanities
Brown University. TBA (10 August 2013 to 26 August 2013). Email:
Dr Russell RODRIGO, Built Environment, University of New South Wales. Memory & Affect: Negotiating the Commemorative Landscape of Anzac Parade & King's Park, Canberra. (16 September 2013 to 19 October 2013). Email:
PINTO, Dr Sarah
Dates: 14 January 2013 to 22 February 2013
Research Project: History in the City: Indigenous Naming in Contemporary Australia
Sarah Pinto is a lecturer in Australian history in the School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics at the University of Queensland. Sarah's research interests include historical fiction, memory, gender and sexuality, and the history of emotion. Much of her work considers the representation and mobilisation of the past - and especially of contested national pasts - in the present, particularly in the Australian context. Her current research examines the ways in which Australia's state and local governments are increasingly turning to programmes of Indigenous naming to commemorate and recognise Indigenous peoples and histories in central urban spaces.
ADAMS, Dr Jonathan
Dates: 1 February 2013 to 18 March 2013.
Research project: The Roots of Islamophobia in Scandinavia
Jonathan Adams holds an MA from the University of Hull in Medieval Vernacular Languages and Literatures, an MSt in the Study of Jewish-Christian Relations from the University of Cambridge, and a PhD from University College London in Old Swedish and Old Norwegian. He is a research fellow for the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, at the Department of Scandinavian Languages, University of Uppsala, Sweden.
His publications are in the areas of medieval religious literature and culture, early Hebraism, and Jewish-Christian relations in Scandinavia. He is the author of Lessons in Contempt (Universitets-Jubilæets danske Samfund, 2013) and is editing The Jewish-Christian Encounter in Medieval Preaching (Routledge). He is currently working on a book Muslims and Jews in Medieval Scandinavian Texts: A Cultural Enquiry (publication intended with Brepols).
His research is shaped by issues surrounding the creation and sustenance of bigotry through language and art, early European prejudice towards non-Christians, and fantasies about a physically absent Other.
While at ANU, he will be investigating the portrayal of Muslims and Islam in medieval Danish and Swedish texts.
STEVENS, A/Professor Quentin
Dates: 10-23 February 2013 and 23 April - 3 May 2013
Research Project: Commemoration and Public Space
Quentin Stevens has degrees in architecture and urban planning is an Associate Professor in the School of Architecture and Design at RMIT University, and Reader in Urban Design at the Bartlett School of Planning, University College London. His research focuses on environment-behaviour relations, in particular unplanned uses of public spaces. He is currently an ARC Future Fellow, and was previously a visiting researcher at Humboldt University in Berlin, funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. He is author of The Ludic City (2007) and, with Karen Franck, Spaces of Engagement: Memorial Design, Use and Meaning (2013), and co-editor of Loose Space (2007) and Transforming Urban Waterfronts (2010).
DARIAN-SMITH, Professor Kate
Dates: (14-15 April 2013; 26 August - 6 October 2013; 4 November 2013 to 2 December 2013)
Research Project: Local Community, National Community
Kate Darian-Smith is Professor of Australian Studies History in the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, and Professor of Cultural Heritage in the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning at the University of Melbourne. Several of her recent ARC grants and publications in Australian studies and history have been focused on place and community, the history of childhood and schooling, memory, rural life, and cultural heritage. While at the HRC, Kate will examine the representation and memories of urban sites and how different ‘publics’ may engage with place. She will be presenting at the Shaping Canberra conference (17-20September) and running a public workshop on ‘Writing the Histories of Communities’ (1 October).
O'BYRNE, Dr Alison
Dates: (22 April 2013 to 22 May 2013)
Research Project: The Urban Tour, 1750-1830
Alison O’Byrne is a Lecturer with the Department of English and Related Literature and Centre for Eighteenth Century Studies at the University of York. She has wide-ranging interests in representations of the city in the eighteenth and early nineteenth century, and has published articles on the building of Westminster Bridge, the art of walking in early nineteenth-century London, and the London street scenes of the artist George Scharf. She is completing a book on the representation of walking in eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century London, and has edited a special issue of the London Journal on the topic of “London Scenes”. Her research during the fellowship period will focus on the building of the national monument on Calton Hill in Edinburgh in the early nineteenth century.
QUAYSON Professor Ato
Dates: 12-26 May 2013
Research Project: Cities and Diasporas in the Global South
Ato Quayson is Professor of English and Director of the Centre for Diaspora and Transnational Studies at the University of Toronto, where he has been since August 2005. He did his BA at the University of Ghana and took his PhD from Cambridge University in 1995. He then went on to the University of Oxford as a Research Fellow, returning to Cambridge in Sept 1995 to become a Fellow at Pembroke College and a member of the Faculty of English where he eventually became a Reader in Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies.
Prof Quayson has published widely on African literature, postcolonial studies and in literary theory. His publications include:
- General Editor, Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry
- Blackwell Companion to Diaspora and Transnationalism Studies, ed.with Girish Daswani (in press, New York: Blackwell, 2013).
- Oxford St., Accra; Urban Evolution, Street Life and Itineraries of the Transnational (in press, Duke University Press, 2014).
- The Cambridge History of Postcolonial Literature, ed., 2 volumes. (Cambridge University Press, 2012).
- Labour Migration, Human Trafficking and Multinational Corporations (with Antonela Arhin; New York: Routledge, 2012).
- Fathers and Daughters: An Anthology of Exploration, ed., (Oxford: Ayebia Publishers, 2008).
BROWN Dr Kathryn
Dates: 1 June 2013 to 12 August 2013
Research Project: Global Art and the Networked City
Kathryn Brown holds a D.Phil in French from the University of Oxford and a PhD in Art History from the University of London. She is a tenured Assistant Professor of Art History at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. She is a Rhodes Scholar and has taught and held visiting fellowships at the University of Kent (United Kingdom), the University of British Columbia (Canada), and Tulane University (USA). Her research interests and publications span a range of areas including nineteenth-century French painting and literature, aesthetics, and contemporary art. Her most recent articles have been published in the Forum for Modern Language Studies, the Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism and American Art.
Dr Brown is the author of Women Readers in French Painting 1870-1890 (Ashgate, 2012: ISBN 978-1-4094-0875-8). Read a review of the book in French Studies (2013) 67(2): 265.
Dr Brown has edited and contributed a chapter about Matisse and Baudelaire to a new book entitled The Art Book Tradition in Twentieth-Century Europe: Picturing Language (ISBN 978-1-4094-2065-1), forthcoming with Ashgate in 2013.
She is currently editing and contributing a chapter to a multi-author volume entitled Interactive Contemporary Art: New Participatory Practices (forthcoming I.B. Tauris, 2013).
Prior to becoming an art historian, Kathryn Brown was a partner in an international law firm in the City of London. She practised corporate law in London for fourteen years.
FUMERTON, Professor Patricia
Dates: (1-28 July 2013)
Research Project: Moving Media, 1569-1789: Broadside Ballads, Cultural History and The Lady and the Blackamoor
Patricia Fumerton is Professor of English at the University of California, Santa Barbara and Director of UCSB’s award-wining English Broadside Ballad Archive (EBBA), In addition to numerous articles, she is author of the monographs, Unsettled: The Culture of Mobility and the Working Poor in Early Modern England (Chicago, 2006) and Cultural Aesthetics: Renaissance Literature and the Practice of Social Ornament (Chicago, 1991). She is also editor of Broadside Ballads from the Pepys Collection: A Selection of Texts, Approaches, and Recordings (Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 2012) as well as co-editor of Ballads and Broadsides in Britain, 1500-1800 (Ashgate, 2010) and Renaissance Culture and the Everyday (Pennsylvania, 1999). She is currently working on her new book, Moving Media, 1679-1789: Broadside Ballads, Cultural History, and Protean Publics.
LIU, Professor Alan
Dates: (1-28 July 2013)
Research Project: Media, History (Book Project)
Alan Liu is Professor in the English Department at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and an affiliated faculty member of UCSB’s Media Arts & Technology graduate program.
He began his research in the field of British romantic literature and art. His first book, Wordsworth: The Sense of History (Stanford Univ. Press, 1989), explored the relation between the imaginative experiences of literature and history. In a series of theoretical essays in the 1990s, he explored cultural criticism, the “new historicism,” and postmodernism in contemporary literary studies. In 1994, when he started his Voice of the Shuttle Web site for humanities research, he began to study information culture as a way to close the circuit between the literary or historical imagination and the technological imagination. In 2004, he published his The Laws of Cool: Knowledge Work and the Culture of Information (Univ. of Chicago Press). In 2008, he also published from Univ. of Chicago Press his Local Transcendence: Essays on Postmodern Historicism and the Database.
Liu founded the NEH-funded Teaching with Technology project at UC Santa Barbara called Transcriptions: Literature and the Culture of Information and his English Dept’s undergraduate specialization on Literature and the Culture of Information. During 2002-2007 he was a member of the Board of Directors of the Electronic Literature Organization (ELO) and chair of the Technology/Software Committee of the ELO’s PAD Initiative (Preservation / Archiving / Dissemination of Electronic Literature).
Digital initiatives he has recently led include Transliteracies: Research in the Technological, Social, and Cultural Practices of Online Reading, a University of California multi-campus, collaborative research group (2005-10); and RoSE (Research-oriented Social Environment), a software project funded by a NEH Digital Humanities Start-up grant (2011-12) that is the culmination of Transliteracies. He is also co-founder and -leader of the international 4Humanities advocacy initiative as well as 4Humanities@UCSB (the UCSB 4Humanities local chapter formed as an Interdisciplinary Humanities Center Research Focus Group).
Liu is currently working on books about the digital humanities and the relationship between media and history.
After serving as Chair of his department during 2008-12, he is on leave in 2012-13 with an ACLS fellowship and short-term fellowships at the National Humanities Center and the Australian National University Humanities Research Centre.
Professor Alan Liu's full CV can be found online at
MERSMANN, Professor Birgit
Dates: 1 July 2013 to 15 August 2013
Research Project: Asian Design of the Spectacular
Birgit Mersmann holds a professorship in non-Western and European Art at the international Jacobs University in Bremen since 2008. From 2005 to 2007 she was a senior researcher of the National Competence Centre of Research “Iconic Criticism” at the University of Basel, Switzerland, investigating “iconoscriptures” as hybrid symbolic forms and inter-media expressions between image and writing. From 1998 to 2002 she taught as DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Visiting Professor at the department of German language and literature at Seoul National University in South Korea. Research foci include image and media theory, visuality and representation, art theory and aesthetics, contemporary East Asian and Western art, global art history, the history of Asian biennials, transculturality, visual cultural translation, interrelations between script and image.
RUSSELL Professor Penelope
Dates: 1 July 2013 to 20 September 2013
Research Project: Congregationalist Sydney
I am fascinated by snobs and social climbers, scandals large and small, and the mysterious ways people lived, loved and learned in times past. Firmly wedded to the nineteenth century, I avidly pursue the 'small talk' of history in Australia and England, finding within private writing and the intimacies of social encounters (domestic and exotic) the political landscapes of gender and class, race and colonisation. I contribute to the cluster of research interest in 'Nation, Empire, Globe' an analysis of the social experience of colonisation in nineteenth-century Australia, particularly for women and particularly amongst elite groups. All these interests and more intersect in my research on the history of manners in Australia and in my writing on Jane, Lady Franklin (a snob of the first degree), whose bid to rescue her missing Arctic explorer husband Sir John Franklin in the mid-19th century made her a sentimental celebrity in England and across the Western world. My research in both these areas has been widely published both in Australia and overseas, and Arctic Romance: Lady Franklin and the Lost Polar Expedition will shortly be published by University of Toronto Press. Savage or Civilised? Manners in Colonial Australia was published by UNSW Press in 2010.
These research interests lead naturally to my matching obsession with the craft of history writing. What draws me to history is its unique combination of imaginative reconstruction and hard evidence, the way story telling is enriched by analysis, while analysis unfolds through story. Writing lies at the heart of the discipline of history, and in my teaching and still more in supervision I strive to build in students the confidence and skill to wield the curious power of words. I have received both the SUPRA 'Supervisor of the Year' award and the Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Higher Research Degree Supervision. I am one of the editors, with Richard White, of History Australia, the official journal of the Australian Historical Association.
Selected publications:
WORRALL Professor David
Dates: 6 July 2013 to 28 September 2013
Research Project: Theatres and the Growth of British and American Cities, 1700-1830 etc….
Professor Worrall researches the British romantic poet and painter William Blake (1757-1827) and was Principal Investigator (with Dr Nancy Cho) on a two year Panacea Society funded project on the ex-servant, ex-Quaker prophetic writer, Dorothy Gott.
He has just completed a manuscript for a monograph, Theatrical Intelligence: Eighteenth Century British Theatre and Social Assemblage Theatre, now in negotiation with Cambridge University Press. This is a novel transposition of a theory drawn from the social sciences and applied to play texts, actors' lives, celebrity cultures, theatre buildings and a range of archival sources connected to Georgian period theatre.
Professor Worrall has previously been a Fellow of the following institutions:
Lewis Walpole Library, Farmington, CT
Huntington Library, San Marino, California
Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington DC
Pennsylvania Historical Society / Library Company of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
In 2013 Professor Worrall will be Research Fellow at the Australian National University, Canberra as part of their centenary project on urban futures.
Selected publications
- Drama. Worrall D in J Farlak and JM Wright (eds) A handbook of Romanticism Studies, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, 177-194
- Inconvenient truths: Re-historicizing the politics of dissent and antinomianism. Worrall D in M Crosby, T Patenaude and A Whitehead (eds) Re-Envisioning Blake, Palgrave McMillan, 2012
- William Blake, the female prophet and the American agent: the evidence of the Swedenborgian east cheap conference. Worrall D in J Mee and S Haggarty (eds) Blake and Conflict, Palgrave McMillan, 2009, 48-64
- Chinese Indians: a James Gillray print, Covent Garden's The Loves of Bengal and the eighteenth-century Asian economic ascendancy. Worrall D, European Romantic Review, 2008, 19, 105-112
- Theatric Revolution: Drama, Censorship and Romantic Period Subcultures. Worrall D, Oxford University Press, 2006
- The Politics of Romantic Theatricality: The Road to the Stage. Worrall D, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007
- Harlequin Empire: Race, Ethnicity and the Drama of the Popular Enlightenment. Worrall D, Pickering and Chatto, 2007
For full list of David's publications click on link.
Dates: 8 July 2013 to 17 August 2013
Research Project: Romantic-Era Theatre at the Edge: 1791-1888
Amy Garnai teaches in the Department of English and American Studies at Tel Aviv University and in the Department of English at the Kibbutzim College of Education. Her research focuses on the eighteenth-century and Romantic periods, with particular interests in women's writing, the theatre and, more generally, the intersection of politics and literature in the 1790s. Her book, Revolutionary Imaginings in the 1790s: Charlotte Smith, Mary Robinson, Elizabeth Inchbald, was published by Palgrave in 2009. Her essays have appeared in journals such as The Review of English Studies, Eighteenth-Century Studies, SEL and Women's Writing. She has previously held a British Academy Visiting Fellowship at the Center for Eighteenth-Century Studies at the University of York, and a visiting fellowship at the Huntington Library. Her current project examines Romantic-era theatre and its afterlives in Britain, America and Australia.
LUCA, Dr Ioana
Dates: 14 July 2013 to 23 August 2013
Research Project: Post-Communist Cities, Global Publics
Ioana Luca is Assistant Professor at National Taiwan Normal University, where she teaches courses in American studies, and 20th century American literature, life writing and memory studies. Her research focuses on contemporary American literature, post-1989 Eastern European life writing, as well as American Studies in global contexts. She has published articles in Social Text, Rethinking History, Prose Studies, Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly, EJLW, chapters in edited volumes, and several translations in and from Romanian. She is the principal investigator of the project Discourses of Memory in Eastern European Exiles’ Life Writing and is completing a book on autobiography and exile in contemporary American literature.
Dates: 21 July to 30 August 2013
Research Project: Making Urban Worlds: Ethnic Associationalism and Civic Life in the Wider British World, 1850-1930
Tanja is Senior Lecturer in History at Northumbria University, England. Her research interests are in British World history, especially the cultural and social history of English, Scottish and German immigrant communities. She is particularly interested in the communities' associational life in the Antipodes, North America and the wider British World. Tanja is Co-Investigator of the English Diaspora Project ( which is funded by the UK’s Arts & Humanities Research Council. The Project seeks to challenge established scholarship that has described the English in North America as ‘invisible migrants’, studying them in depth from the mid 18th century to 1950. Tanja also continues to investigate the Scots abroad. Having been awarded a Small Research Grant from the British Academy in 2010 for her project ‘Ethnicity, Associationalism and Civility: The Scots in Singapore and Hong Kong in Comparative Perspective, Tanja is currently in the process of assessing the material gleaned during her research in the two city entrepots. The research on the Scots in Hong Kong and Singapore will feed into her second monograph, Clubbing Together: Ethnicity, Civility and Formal Sociability in the Scottish Diaspora to 1930, which is under contract with Liverpool University Press.
HERWITZ Professor Daniel
Dates: 10 August 2013 to 26 August 2013
Research Project: Operatic Ensembles in South Africa
Daniel Herwitz is the author of books in aesthetics, politics and modern and contemporary art, most recently Heritage, Culture and Politics in the Postcolony (2012) and The Star as Icon (2008). From 1996-2002 he was Chair in Philosophy at the University of Natal, South Africa where he participated in the process of democratic transition, and which led to his book of essays, Race and Reconciliation (2003). His first book, on the modern painter of India, M.F. Husain (Husain, Tata Press) produced in consort with the painter, won a National Book Award in India (1988). He is editor of The Don Giovanni Moment with Lydia Goehr, and originated the exchange program between the University of Cape Town School of Opera and the University of Michigan. From 2002-2012 he Directed the Institute for the Humanities at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, where he is now Fredric Huetwell Professor of Comparative Literature, History of Art and Philosophy.
Selected Publications include:
• (2012) Heritage, Culture, and Politics in the Postcolony
• (2012) Heritage, Culture, and Politics in the Postcolony
• (2008) Midnight's Diaspora
• (2008) The Star as Icon
• (2008) Aesthetics
• (2003) Race and Reconciliation
STEINBERG Professor Michael P.
Dates:10 August 2013 to 26 August 2013
Michael P. Steinberg is the Director of the Cogut Center for the Humanities, the Barnaby Conrad and Mary Critchfield Keeney Professor of History, and Professor of Music and German Studies at Brown University. He serves as Associate Editor of The Musical Quarterly and The Opera Quarterly. He is a member of the Executive Board of the Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes (CHCI) and of the Board of Directors of the Barenboim-Said Foundation USA.. Between 2009 and 2013 he serves as dramaturg on a joint production of Wagner’s Ring of the Nibelung at the Berlin State Opera and the Teatro alla Scala, Milan.
Educated at Princeton University and the University of Chicago, he has been a visiting professor at these two schools as well as at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris and National Tsing-hua University in Taiwan. He was a member of the Cornell University Department of History between 1988 and 2005. Principal research interests include the cultural history of modern Germany and Austria with particular attention to German Jewish intellectual history and the cultural history of music. He has written and lectured widely on these topics for the New York Times and at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, the Bard Music Festival, the Aspen Music Festival and School, and the Salzburg Festival. He has received fellowships from the American Council of Learned Societies, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation as well as the Berlin Prize from the American Academy, Berlin. He is the author of studies of Hermann Broch, Aby Warburg, and Walter Benjamin, of Austria as Theater and Ideology: The Meaning of the Salzburg Festival (Cornell University Press, 2000), of which the German edition (Ursprung und Ideologie der Salzburger Festspiele; Anton Pustet Verlag, 2000) won Austria's Victor Adler Staatspreis in 2001. Current and recent books are Listening to Reason: Culture, Subjectivity, and 19th- Century Music (Princeton University Press, 2004); Reading Charlotte Salomon , co-edited with Monica Bohm-Duchen (Cornell University Press, 2006); Judaism Musical and Unmusical (University of Chicago Press, 2007).
RODRIGO, Dr Russell
Dates: 16 September to 19 October 2013
Research Project: Memory & Affect: Negotiating the Commemorative Landscape of Anzac Parade & King's Park, Canberra
Dr Russell Rodrigo is an Architect and Senior Lecturer with the Faculty of the Built Environment, University of New South Wales. His research focuses on the spatialization of memory and its relationship with interiority at the scale of both the public and the private. He is the designer of a number of memorial projects, has published through international journals and conferences and his research has been recognised nationally, including the awarding of the British Council Design Research Award.
Professor Lorraine CODE, Philosophy, York University. Ecological Thinking, Climate-Change Scepticism, and the Epistemology of Testimony. (23 January 2012 to 13 April 2012). Email:
Dr Jan RUEGER, History, Classics & Archaeology, Birkbeck College, University of London. A History of the Anglo-German Relationship. (30 January 2012 to 20 April 2012). Email:
Dr Clara TUITE, English, University of Melbourne. Literary Romanticism and Romantic Ecology. (13 February 2012 to 4 May 2012). Email:
Dr Peter GRATTON, Philosophy, Memorial University in Newfoundland. Ecologies of Time. (9 May 2012 till 16 July 2012). Email:
Dr Vincent BRUYERE, French and Francophone Studies, Pennsylvania State University. Sense of Survival: The Writing of Environmental History in the French Atlantic World. (29 May 2012 to 8 August 2012). Email:
Professor Karen PINKUS, Romance Studies, Cornell University. Poetic Dwelling: The Humanities Confronts Climate Change. (1 June 2012 to 1 July 2012). Email:
Professor Srinivas ARAVAMUDAN, English, Duke University. (13 June 2012 to 4 July 2012). Email:
Professor Ranjana KHANNA, English & Women's Studies, Duke University, USA. (13 June 2012 to 4 July 2012). Email:
Professor Yvette TAYLOR , Weeks Centre for Social and Policy Research, London South Bank University. The Future of the Global University: Diverse Spaces, Diverse Subjects. (23 June 2012 to 15 September 2012). Email:
Dr Adeline JOHNS-PUTRA, English, University of Exeter. A Literary History of Climate Change. (16 July 2012 to 14 September 2012). Email:
Professor Graham HUGGAN, Postcolonial Literatures, University of Leeds. Threatened Worlds: Famous Faces: Celebrity Conservationism in the Television Age. (26 August 2012 to 16 September 2012). Email:
Dr Helen McDONALD, Art History Program, University of Melbourne. A dry aesthetic: art, dry country and climate change. (17 September 2012 to 10 December 2012). E:
Dr Rachel SWEENEY, Dance, Liverpool Hope University. Topographic Choreographies: Staging dance ecology through transnational terrain performance practices. (17 September 2012 to 7 December 2012). Email:
Dr Ingrid SYKES, La Trobe University, Melbourne. Ecological Enlightenment: Listening and the Natural World in Eighteenth-Century France. (24 September 2012 to 17 December 2012). Email:
CODE, Professor Lorraine
Dates: 23 January 2012 to 13 April 2012
Research Project: Ecological Thinking, Climate-Change Scepticism, and the Epistemology of Testimony
Lorraine Code is Distinguished Research Professor Emerita in Philosophy at York University in Toronto Canada, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. She is the author of Epistemic Responsibility (1987), and What Can She Know? Feminist Theory and the Construction of Knowledge (1991). In Rhetorical Spaces: Essays on (Gendered) Locations (1995), she addresses incredulity, empathy, relativism, and the epistemic power of gossip. Ecological Thinking: The Politics of Epistemic Location (Oxford University Press 2006) develops an “ecological naturalism”, which looks to ecological science where Quineans look to cognitive science, as a place - literal and metaphorical - where knowledge is “naturally” made.
In 2010 she was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities at Edinburgh University. She is currently working on issues of testimony, ignorance, and vulnerability especially as these pertain to climate change scepticism.
More information:
Dates: 30 January 2012 to 20 April 2012
Research Project: A History of the Anglo-German Relationship
Jan Rueger teaches Modern European History at Birkbeck, University of London.
His research focuses on the history of Britain and Germany in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. His monograph The Great Naval Game: Britain and Germany in the Age of Empire (Cambridge, 2007) explores the theatre of power and identity that unfolded between the two countries in the decades before 1914. His research interests also include the relationship between laughter and power in modern Germany, a topic on which he has published a number of articles. He is currently writing a new history of the Anglo-German relationship.
TUITE, Dr Clara
Dates: 13 February 2012 to 4 May 2012
Research Project: Literary Romanticism and Romantic Ecology
Clara Tuite is Senior Lecturer in English, University of Melbourne, where she teaches and researches primarily in British Romantic literature and cultural history. She is the author of Romantic Austen: Sexual Politics and the Literary Canon (Cambridge University Press, 2002), and is currently completing a monograph entitled ‘Proverbial Notorious: Lord Byron and the Rites of Scandalous Celebrity’.
While at the HRC, she will be working on literary Romanticism and Romantic-period ecology, focusing on Mary Wollstonecraft and social utopias as part of a larger study of literary Romanticism and the cultural history of romantic love, and on Maria Edgeworth and the culture and ecology of the Irish boglands. She will also be working with Gillian Russell (English, School of Critical Enquiry) on a project on Regency Spaces.
Dates: 9 May 2012 till 16 July 2012
Research Project: Ecologies of Time
Peter Gratton teaches philosophy at the Memorial University of Newfoundland. He has published numerous articles in political and intercultural philosophy and is the author of The State of Sovereignty: Lessons from the Political Fictions of Modernity (SUNY Press, 2012) and Speculative Realism (Continuum, forthcoming). An executive editor of Radical Philosophy Review, Co-Editor of the journal Society and Space (Environmental Planning D), Peter has also edited two works: Traversing the Imaginary (Northwestern University Press, 2007), co-edited with John Mannousakis, and Jean-Luc Nancy and Plural Thinking: Expositions of World, Politics, Art, and Sense (SUNY Press, 2012), co-edited with Marie-Eve Morin. His focus at the Humanities Research Centre, ANU will be to link current movements in materialism to "ecological enlightenment."
BRUYERE, Dr Vincent
Dates: 29 May 2012 to 8 August 2012
Research Project: Sense of Survival: The Writing of Environmental History in the French Atlantic World
Vincent Bruyere is an assistant professor in the department of French and Francophone Studies at the Pennsylvania State University. His research interests touch upon problematics of self-formation and cultural identity in the modern research University. He has recently completed a book manuscript on the notion of francophone difference and its impact on French literary history. His new research project examines the cultural dimension of politics of life, especially the formation of medical and environmental humanities.
PINKUS, Professor Karen
Dates: 1 June 2012 to 1 July 2012
Research Project: Poetic Dwelling: The Humanities Confronts Climate Change
Karen Pinkus is Professor of Italian and Comparative Literature at Cornell University where she is also a Faculty Fellow of the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future and a member of the climate change focus group. She is the author, recently, of numerous articles on climate change and the humanities. A forthcoming book, The Poetics of Fuels, will address various fuels (as distinct from energy systems)--actually existing and imagined--as potentialities. At Cornell she will co-teach a class with a colleague from Earth and Environmental Sciences on humans and climate change.
ARAVAMUDAN, Professor Srinivas
Dates: 13 June 2012 to 4 July2012
Srinivas Aravamudan was appointed dean of the humanities at Duke in July 2009. At Duke, he is Professor in the Departments of English, Romance Studies, and the Program in Literature. He directed the John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute (2003-2009) and is president of the Consortium of Humanties Centers and Institutes from 2007-2012. He has published Tropicopolitans: Colonialism and Agency, 1688-1804 (1999, Duke University Press) and Guru English: South Asian Religion In a Cosmopolitan Language (2006, Princeton University Press and 2007, Penguin India). His next book, Enlightenment Orientalism: Resisting the Rise of the Novel, will be published by the University of Chicago Press in 2011. Aravamudan has also edited a number of other publications and written a large number of scholarly articles and essays on topics that range from eighteenth-century studies to postcolonial theory, and political philosophy to the theory of fiction. He is currently writing a book on sovereignty and the concept of anachronism.
KHANNA Professor Ranjana
Dates: 13 June 2012 to 4 July 2012
Professor Ranjana Khanna, English & Wom¬en’s Studies, Duke University, USA. Professor Khanna works on Anglo- and Francophone Postcolonial theory and literature, Psychoanalysis, and Feminist theory. She has published articles on transna¬tional feminism, psychoanalysis, autobiography, post¬colonial agency, multiculturalism in an international context, postcolonial Joyce, Area Studies and Women’s Studies, and Algerian film. She is the author of Dark Continents: Psychoanalysis and Colonialism (2003) and Algeria Cuts: Women and Representation 1830 to the present (2008). Her current book project is entitled “Asylum: The Concept and the Practice.”
TAYLOR, Professor Yvette
Dates: 23 June 2012 to 15 September 2012
Research Project: The Future of the Global University: Diverse Spaces, Diverse Subjects
Yvette Taylor is Professor in Social and Policy Studies and Head of the Weeks Centre for Social and Policy Research, London South Bank University; the Centre hosts the next Gender and Education Association international conference (2013) titled Compelling Diversities, Educational Intersections: Policy, Practice, Parity. She has held a Fulbright Scholarship at Rutgers University (2010-11). Books include Fitting Into Place? Class and Gender Geographies and Temporalities (Ashgate, 2012); Lesbian and Gay Parenting: Securing Social and Educational Capitals (Palgrave, 2009) and Working-Class Lesbian Life: Classed Outsiders (Palgrave, 2007). Edited collections include Educational Diversity (Palgrave, 2012); Sexualities: Reflections and Futures (2012); Theorizing Intersectionality and Sexuality (Palgrave, 2010) and Classed Intersections: Spaces, Selves, Knowledges (Ashgate, 2010). She has articles in a range of journals including British Journal of the Sociology of Education, European Societies, Sociological Research Online, Sexualities, Feminist Theory and she edited the Special Issue of Sexualities Feb. 2011 (Sexuality and Class). Yvette is currently working on an ESRC standard grant ‘Making space for queer identifying religious youth’ (2011-13) and recently completed an ESRC (2007-2009) funded project ‘From the Coal Face to the Car Park? Intersections of Class and Gender in the North East of England’. She regularly blogs on the British Sociological Association’s (BSA) Sociology and the Cuts and the Gender and Education Association (GEA) websites and is director of the MA Gender and Sexuality at the Weeks Centre. Follow Yvette @YvetteTaylor
Dates: 16 July 2012 to 14 September 2012
Research Project: A Literary History of Climate Change
Dr. Adeline Johns-Putra is a Senior Lecturer in English at the University of Exeter. Her research interests lie in environmental criticism, Romanticism and genre. She is the author of two books, Heroes and Housewives: Women's Epic Poetry and Domestic Ideology in the Romantic Age (2001) and The History of the Epic (2006), and editor, with Catherine Brace, of a collection of interdisciplinary essays, Process: Landscape and Text (2010). She is Chair of the Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment (ASLE), UK and Ireland. As part of a major European Social Fund project on imagining climate change, she is completing a monograph, with Adam Trexler, tentatively entitled ‘Anthropocene Fictions: The Novel in a Time of Climate Change’.
HUGGAN, Professor Grahamr
Dates: 23 June 2012 to 15 September 2012
Research Project: The Future of the Global University: Diverse Spaces, Diverse Subjects
My research spans the entire field of comparative postcolonial literary/cultural studies, and I also have interests in the areas of travel writing, ecocriticism, short fiction, and film. Recent publications include Postcolonial Ecocriticism: Literature, Animals, Environment (co-written with Helen Tiffin, Routledge, 2010), Extreme Pursuits: Travel/Writing in an Age of Globalization (University of Michigan Press, 2009), and a collection of essays, Racism, Postcolonialism, Europe (co-edited with Ian Law, Liverpool University Press, 2009). A revised collection of my own essays, Interdisciplinary Measures, came out in 2008, also with Liverpool University Press. Such work shows my continuing interest in cross-disciplinary approaches to postcolonial studies, as is also confirmed by the book series for which I am the founding co-editor, 'Postcolonialism across the Disciplines' (Liverpool University Press). Current projects include a book on the figure of the 'celebrity conservationist', which is contracted to the major UK-based independent environmental publisher Earthscan, and I also hope to embark soon on a book-length study of postcolonial film. I am sole editor of the 250,000-word Oxford Handbook of Postcolonial Studies (estimated publication date 2013).
I am on the editorial board of numerous journals in the postcolonial field, am a regular national/international examiner and reviewer, and am a current member of the English Association (UK) and the MLA (US). I am also an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Queensland (Australia). At the University of Leeds, I currently direct the Centre for Canadian Studies (CCS) and the Institute for Colonial and Postcolonial Studies (ICPS), both cross-disciplinary bodies drawing on a wide range of university teaching and research in these fields. I am also project co-leader for an AHRC-funded international research network, 'Postcolonial Europe', with partners in Germany (the University of Munich) and the Netherlands (the University of Utrecht), now in its second three-year phase, and network leader for a White Rose Consortium-sponsored project on the political ecology of water in Egypt, Israel/Palestine and Sri Lanka. I regularly organise events at Leeds--many of them postgraduate-oriented--for the two networks I lead, for the ICPS and CCS, and for the School-based Postcolonial Research Group, and am general convenor of 'Postcolonial Literary and Cultural Studies', the School of English's postcolonial MA scheme.
I have supervised PhD research, both at Leeds and elsewhere, on a wide range of topics and would welcome the opportunity to supervise further work in all areas of the postcolonial field, in the crossover area between literary and environmental criticism, in tourism studies and travel literature, and in contemporary film.
In 2011 I gave invited talks in France (Paris) and Estonia (Tartu); I have also been appointed external examiner for MA English programmes at the University of Hong Kong and have been invited to Australian National University as a Humanities Research Centre Visiting Fellow, a one-month fellowship I will take up in August 2012. Over the last three years I have published three books (see Research Activities, above) and several articles in top journals; I have also given invited lectures and/or keynote addresses in numerous countries, including Canada, New Zealand and Australia, and have helped organise conferences and workshops in Germany, the Netherlands and the UK.
McDONALD, Dr Helen
Dates: 17 September 2012 to 10 December 2012
Research Project: A dry aesthetic: art, dry country and climate change
Helen McDonald is an Honorary Fellow in the Art History Program, School of Culture and Communication at the University of Melbourne. She is the author of Erotic Ambiguities: The Female Nude in Art (London & New York: Routledge) 2001 and Patricia Piccinini: Nearly Beloved (Sydney: Piper Press) 2012. Focusing on contemporary and late modernist art, including Australian Aboriginal art, her recent research explores aesthetics of dryness and dry country through the lens of climate change. She posits that an aesthetics of dry country forces acknowledgement of ecological damage in Australia and responsibility for a sustainable future.
SWEENEY, Dr Rachel
Dates: 17 September 2012 to 7 December 2012
Research Project: Topographic Choreographies: Staging dance ecology through transnational terrain performance practices
Dr Rachel Sweeney is currently the Acting Head of Dance at Liverpool Hope University, UK where she also runs cross disciplinary research forums between Performing Arts and Environmental Science. Taught specialisms include: dance ethnography, site based choreography, European Dance Theatre history, and sustainable education.
Rachel is co-director of a transnational terrain arts and ecology partnership together with Perth based dance artist Marnie Orr. Ongoing projects have been supported by the Centre for Interdisciplinary Arts, Perth, the Centre for Sustainable Futures, University of Plymouth, and the Centre for Contemporary Arts and the Natural World, UK.
Rachel has received several awards for her independent research into the Japanese dance art of Butoh from the Arts Council of Ireland and Dublin Corporation, as well as two solo performance commissions from Butoh UK (2003) and Dance in Devon (2009) and has published on dance ethnography, dance ecology and cross cultural performance training.
SYKES, Dr Ingrid
Dates: 24 September 2012 to 17 December 2012
Research Project: Ecological Enlightenment: Listening and the Natural World in Eighteenth-Century France
Ingrid Sykes currently teaches history at La Trobe University, Melbourne. Her first monograph, Women, Science and Sound in Nineteenth-Century France (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2007), examined the interrelationship between female performers, technology, and institutional politics in nineteenth-century Paris. She has published articles in French History, the Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences (co-authored with Penelope Gouk), Medical History and French History and Civilization: Papers from the George Rudé Seminar, and has a forthcoming article in the Journal of Eighteenth-Century Studies. In addition to her interest in cultural and political history, she has also worked in the fields of the history of technology, medicine and science with particular expertise in sound. In 2003, she commenced an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) postdoctoral research fellowship at the Department of History, University of Warwick, UK followed by a Wellcome Trust Research Fellowship at the Centre for the History of Medicine at Warwick. She has worked as a member of the research team, ‘Histoire de l’Invention et des Savoirs Techniques’, Centre d’Histoire des Techniques (CDHTE), Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers, Paris, led by Liliane Hilaire-Pérez, and peer-reviewed applications and proposals for the Wellcome Trust, the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and Imperial College Press, UK. She has spoken at conferences in the US (American Association of the History of Medicine, 2010), the UK (‘Mastering the Emotions’, Centre for the History of Emotions, Queen Mary, University of London, 2011) and France (Département d’Etudes Cognitives, Ecole Normale Supérieure and the Laboratoire de Psychologie de la Perception, CNRS, Université Paris Descartes, 2008). In 2009, she brought together historians, musicologists and auditory neuroscientists from the US, UK and France for an international symposium, “Signalling Sound”, at the Arden Conference Centre, University of Warwick. She is currently working on a book, The Humanity of Hearing in Modern Europe. It has a particular focus on the relationship between the human ear, the natural environment and political ideology in the European Enlightenment.
Professor Richard KING,American and Canadian Studies, University of Nottingham, UK. "The World" in Hannah Arendt. (15 January 2011 to 9 April 2011). Email:
Professor Fred INGLIS, Em. Professor, University of Sheffield, UK. The Travellers: ways of worldmaking on the move. (19 January 2011 to 26 February 2011). Email:
Professor Stuart ELDEN, Political Geography, Durham University, UK. The Space of the World: Philosophy, Globalisation, Territory. (21 February 2011 to 15 May 2011). Email:
Dr Thomas BERGHUIS, Asian Art, Art History & Film Studies, University of Sydney. 'This Art of Mankind’ – Making the World in Modern and Contemporary Indonesian Art. (7 March 2011 to 6 June 2011). Email:
Dr Kent FEDOROWICH, British Imperial and Commonwealth History, UWE, UK. Mapping the Contours of the British World. (4 April 2011 to 26 June 2011). Email:
A/Professor Tsan Huang TSAI, Music Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong. Relational Instruments: How Bendigo's Past Soundscape is Shaping its Present and
Future. (26 April 2011 to 11 July 2011). Email:
Professor Vijay MISHRA, English and Comparative Literature, Murdoch University, Australia. Worldmaking: the sublime case of Salman Rushdie. (21 May 2011 to 14 August 2011). Email:
A/Professor Vilashini COOPPAN, Literature, University of California at Santa Cruz, USA. Race, Writing and the Literary World System. (25 June 2011 to 15 August 2011). Email:
Professor Srinivas ARAVAMUDAN, English, Duke University. Fictional Orients. (11 July 2011 to 11 August 2011). Email:
Professor Ranjan KHANNA, English & Women's Studies, Duke University, USA. Asylum: The Concept and the Practice. (11 July 2011 to 11 August 2011). Email:
Dr Giorgio RIELLO, Global History, University of Warwick, UK. Global Textiles: Material Culture and fashion in the Modern World. (10 July 2011 to 11 September 2011). Email:
Dr Matthew POTTER, Art History, University of Leicester, UK. The Contribution of Germanic Settlers to Visual Culture in Australia, 1850-1950. (4 July 2011 to 14 September 2011). Email:
Dr Thomas McLEAN, English, University of Otago, New Zealand. Citizens of the World: A Critical Biography of the Porter Family. (22 August 2011 to 14 November 2011 ). Email:
Dr Joanne FOX, Modern History, Durham University, UK. Global Identities and the Documentary Form: John Grierson and International Film. (1 September 2011 to 24 November 2011 ). Email:
Dr Katrina O'LOUGHLIN, Honorary Research Fellow, Social Sciences and Cultural Studies, University of Western Australia. Eighteenth-century cosmopolitanisms: affiliation, identity and cultural exchange. (26 September 2011 to 14 November 2011). Email:
King, Professor Richard
Dates: 15 January 2011 to 9 April 2011
Research Project: "The World" in Hannah Arendt
Richard H. King is Professor (Emeritus) in American Studies at University of Nottingham, UK. His special area of interest is intellectual history--of the US, Europe and the Black Atlantic. His particular interests focus on political thought and critiques of race and racism,along with the exploration of the cross-cultural and transnational movement of ideas and systems of thought. Most recently he has authored Race, Culture and the Intellectuals, 1940-1970 (2004)and co-edited Hannah Arendt and the Uses of History (2007) with Professor Dan Stone. He is presently working on a project, The American Arendt, that will assess Arendt's influence on American thought and culture--and the latter's influence on her thought.
Inglis, Professor Fred
Dates: 19 January 2011 to 26 February 2011
Research Project: The Travellers: ways of worldmaking on the move
Fred Inglis is a Professor Emeritus at the University of Sheffield and Honorary Professor of Cultural History at the University of Warwick. He has been a member of the School of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton, a Fellow at the Netherlands Institute in Wassenaar, and visited the HRC as a Fellow in 1984 and 2008. He has been a member of the British Labour Party all his adult life and has stood four times for the British Parliament.His most recent books include People's Witness: the Journalist in Modern Politics( Yale 2002 ), Culture ( Polity 2004), History Man: the life of RG Collingwood (2009) and A Short History of Celebrity(2010) , both these latter from Princeton.His wife , Eileen, who is accompanying him to HRC, has been since 1989 one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools.
Elden, Professor Stuart
Dates: 21 February 2011 to 15 May 2011
Research Project: The Space of the World: Philosophy, Globalisation, Territory
Stuart Elden is a Professor of Political Geography at Durham University, and the editor of the journal Society and Space. He is the author of four books, including most recently, Terror and Territory: The Spatial Extent of Sovereignty (University of Minnesota Press, 2009). He is currently completing a history of the concept of territory, and while at ANU will begin a book thinking the relation between philosophy, globalisation and territory, tentatively entitled The Space of the World.
Berghuis, Dr Thomas
Dates: 7 March 2011 to 6 June 2011
Research Project: 'This Art of Mankind’ – Making the World in Modern and Contemporary Indonesian Art
Thomas J. Berghuis is a lecturer in Asian Art at the Department of Art History & Film Studies and Deputy Director of the Australian Centre of Asian Art & Archaeology at the University of Sydney. During the past ten years he has worked extensively in the field of modern and contemporary Chinese art with special focus on the development of experimental art in China over the past thirty years. Starting in 2006 he has also been travelling regularly to Indonesia, where he has been working with the contemporary art scene, particularly across Java. He is the author of Performance Art in China (Timezone 8, 2006). He is currently working on two book manuscripts. The first book China and A World of Contemporary Art will be based around a series of essays, which explore the development of a new discourse of contemporary Chinese art in relation to global art after 2000. His second book This Art of Mankind – Modern and Contemporary Art in Indonesia, which he will commence at ANU, explores the historical continuity of modern into contemporary art in Indonesia.
Fedorowich,, Dr Kent
Dates: 4 April 2011 to 26 June 2011
Research Project: Mapping the Contours of the British World
Kent Fedorowich grew up in south-western Manitoba, Canada. He took his BA and MA in History at the University of Saskatchewan. His PhD in History, which was awarded by the London School of Economics, examined the resettlement of British ex-servicemen in the dominions after the Great War. It was published in John M. MacKenzie’s ‘Studies in Imperialism’ series. A Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, he has been teaching in the Department of History at the University of the West of England (Bristol) since 1989. Empire migration remains a central pillar of his research today, but he is also a leading international authority on POW history and Anglo-dominion relations. In 2007, he organized the British World Conference which was convened in Bristol.
Tsai, A/Professor Tsan Huang
Dates: 26 April 2011 to 11 July 2011
Research Project: Relational Instruments: How Bendigo's Past Soundscape is Shaping its Present and Future
Tsan Huang Tsai is an Assistant Professor of Ethnomusicology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research covers a wild range of disciplines, including ethnomusicology, organology, material anthropology, and Chines studies. He is the author of an edited book Captured Memories of a Fading Musical Past: The Chinese Instrument Collection at the Music Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (2010), and 17 research articles. During his stay at ANU, Tsan Huang will be working on a new project “Relational Instruments: How Bendigo's Past Soundscape is Shaping its Present and Future” that is developed during his 2009 Endeavour Fellowship from Australian government. For more information, please visit
Mishra, Professor Vijay
Dates: 21 May 2011 to 14 August 2011
Research Project: Worldmaking: the sublime case of Salman Rushdie
Vijay Mishra, PhD (ANU), DPhil(Oxford), FAHA, is Professor of English Literature and Australia Research Council (ARC) Professorial Fellow at Murdoch University. Among his publications are: Dark Side of the Dream: Australian Literature and the Postcolonial Mind (with Bob Hodge) (Allen and Unwin,1991), The Gothic Sublime (State University of New York Press, 1994), Devotional Poetics and the Indian Sublime (SUNY, 1998), Bollywood Cinema: Temples of Desire (Routledge, 2002) and The Literature of the Indian Diaspora: Theorizing the Diasporic Imaginary (Routledge, 2007).
Cooppan A/Professor Vilashini
Dates: 25 June 2011 to 15 August 2011
Research Project: Race, Writing and the Literary World System
Associate Professor Cooppan teaches literature at the University of California at Santa Cruz. Her essays on postcolonial and world literatures, globalization theory, psychoanalysis, and nationalism have appeared in Symploke, Comparative Literature Studies, and several published and forthcoming edited volumes. She is the author of Worlds Within: National Narratives and Global Connections in Postcolonial Writing (2009).
Aravamudan Professor Srinivas
Dates: 2 July 2011 to 11 August 2011
Research Project: Fictional Orients
Srinivas Aravamudan was appointed dean of the humanities at Duke in July 2009. At Duke, he is Professor in the Departments of English, Romance Studies, and the Program in Literature. He directed the John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute (2003-2009) and is president of the Consortium of Humanties Centers and Institutes from 2007-2012. He has published Tropicopolitans: Colonialism and Agency, 1688-1804 (1999, Duke University Press) and Guru English: South Asian Religion In a Cosmopolitan Language (2006, Princeton University Press and 2007, Penguin India). His next book, Enlightenment Orientalism: Resisting the Rise of the Novel, will be published by the University of Chicago Press in 2011. Aravamudan has also edited a number of other publications and written a large number of scholarly articles and essays on topics that range from eighteenth-century studies to postcolonial theory, and political philosophy to the theory of fiction. He is currently writing a book on sovereignty and the concept of anachronism.
KhannaProfessor Ranjana
Dates: 11 July 2011 to 11 August 2011
Research Project: Asylum: The Concept and the Practic
Professor Ranjana Khanna, English & Wom¬en’s Studies, Duke University, USA. Professor Khanna works on Anglo- and Francophone Postcolonial theory and literature, Psychoanalysis, and Feminist theory. She has published articles on transna¬tional feminism, psychoanalysis, autobiography, post¬colonial agency, multiculturalism in an international context, postcolonial Joyce, Area Studies and Women’s Studies, and Algerian film. She is the author of Dark Continents: Psychoanalysis and Colonialism (2003) and Algeria Cuts: Women and Representation 1830 to the present (2008). Her current book project is entitled “Asy¬lum: The Concept and the Practice.”
Riello, A/Professor Giorgio
Dates: 10 July 2011 to 11 September 2011
Research Project: Global Textiles: Material Culture and fashion in the Modern World
Giorgio Riello is Associate Professor in Global History and Culture at the University of Warwick, UK and taught previously at the London School of Economics (2004-06) and the Royal College of Art/ Victoria and Albert Museum (2003-04). He completed his PhD in History at University College London in 2002 and has a degree in Business Studies from the University of Venice, Ca’ Foscari.
Giorgio is the recipient of several major fellowships and prizes including Philip Leverhulme Prize, the Stanford Humanities Center fellowship, and the Newcomen Business History Prize. His particular interests are directed towards issues of ‘material life and economic development’ and the relationship between consumption and production. His current research focuses on changes in consumer demand and their impact on the spheres of production and material culture, with specific reference to textiles and clothing.
He has published more than 30 articles and papers and is the author of A Foot in the Past (Oxford 2006). He has also edited and co-written eight books among which Shoes (Berg 2006) and The Fashion History Reader (Routledge 2010) (both with Peter McNeil); The Spinning World: A Global History of Cotton Textiles, 1250-1850 (Oxford 2009) (with Prasannan Parthasarathi); How India Clothed the World: The World of South Asian Textiles, 1500-1850 (Brill 2009) (with Tirthankar Roy); and Global Design History (Routledge 2011) (with Glenn Adamson and Sarah Teastley).
Potter, Dr Matthew
Dates: 4 July 2011 to 14 September 2011
Research Project: The Contribution of Germanic Settlers to Visual Culture in Australia, 1850-1950.
Matthew Potter researches the history of British visual culture in the period 1850-1950 with particular reference to international exchanges within the British world and the role of foreign nations in the creation of various British national identities. His work engages with imperial and cultural historical discourses in order to explore hybridised forms of cultural production, and looks particularly at such developments in the realms of art critical and collecting practices. His previous work has focused on two distinct areas: German cultural influences on British art (e.g. The Inspirational Genius of Germany: British Art and Germanism, 1850-1939 (Manchester University Press: Forthcoming 2011); and imperial art debates (e.g. ‘British Art and Empire: Holman Hunt’s The Light of the World reflected in the mirror of the colonial press,’ Media History (volume 13, no. 1 (April 2007)), pp. 1-23). Matthew's ANU Visiting Fellowship will afford him the opportunity to combine these two areas of interest in exploring the effect of German migrants, as non-British settlers, on the creation of the alternative 'Britishness' of Australian visual culture. Matthew lectures in the Department of the History of Art and Film at the University of Leicester in the UK.
McLean, Dr Thomas
Dates: 22 August 2011 to 14 November 2011
Research Project: Citizens of the World: A Critical Biography of the Porter Family
Thomas McLean is a lecturer in nineteenth-century British and American literature at the University of Otago in New Zealand. He is the editor of Further Letters of Joanna Baillie (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2010) and is currently completing The Other East and Nineteenth-Century British Literature: Imagining Poland and the Russian Empire (under contract with Palgrave Macmillan for 2011). His articles have appeared in The Wordsworth Circle, Keats-Shelley Journal, Victorian Poetry, and Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies. While at the Humanities Research Centre, he will be working on a critical biography of the nineteenth-century British novelists Jane and Anna Maria Porter and their brother, the artist, traveler and diplomat Sir Robert Ker Porter.
Fox, Dr Jo
Dates: 1 September 2011 to 24 November 2011
Research Project: Global Identities and the Documentary Form: John Grierson and International Film
Jo Fox is Professor of Modern History at Durham University, UK. She is a specialist in the history of film and propaganda in twentieth-century Europe. She has published on the cinematic cultures of Britain and Germany during the Second World War, exploring the connections between film, propaganda and popular opinion. She is currently researching the life, career and ideas of the 'Father of Documentary', John Grierson, assessing his influence on early film, propaganda, international film education, and global cultures. She is member of the Council for the International Association for Media and History and a National Teaching Fellow (2007).
O'Loughlin, Dr Katrina
Dates: 26 September 2011 to 14 November 2011
Research Project: Eighteenth-century cosmopolitanisms: affiliation, identity and cultural exchange
Having recently completed her doctorate at the University of Melbourne (2009), Katrina O’Loughlin has joined the University of Western Australia as an Honorary Research Fellow. Her research interests include eighteenth-century English literary and material cultures with a focus on women’s writing, travel, and the representation of subjectivity and cultural difference. She has published on women's travel, writing, gender and identity, and taught in the School of Culture and Communication at the University of Melbourne. Current projects include the development of her doctoral research for publication, and a proposed edition of two female-authored Russian travel narratives of the 1730's. She is also pursuing new research in the area of eighteenth-century cosmopolitanisms, with a focus on correspondence, cultural exchange and intellectual sociability in the second half of the century.
Humanities Research Centre, RSHA: 2010 Visiting Fellows
A/Professor Shirley LIM, Department of History, SUNY Stony Brook, USA. Imaging Race and Gender in Australia: Anna May Wong. (25 January 2010 to 19 April 2010). Email:
Dr Matthew CHRISTENSEN, Department of English, University of Texas, USA. Rebellious Histories: The Amistad Slave Rebellion, Black Transnationalism, and Modernity in Sierra Leone and the United States. (25 January 2010 to 19 April 2010). Email:
Professor Liz WELLS, Faculty of Arts, University of Plymouth, UK. Land, Landscape and Identity. (27 January 2010 to 19 April 2010). Email:
Professor Diana BRYDON, St John's College, Department of English, Film and Theatre, University of Manitoba, Canada. Home in National and Global Imaginaries. (1 February 2010 to 21 April 2010). Email:
Professor Wendy WEBSTER, Education and Social Sciences, University of Central Lancashire, UK. Englishness and Europe, 1939-75. (15 February 2010 - 7 May 2010). Email:
Jackie MENZIES, Asian Art, Art Gallery of New South Wales. The Satiricla Gaze in India, 18th Century and later. (15 February 2010 to 3 may 2010 plus 12-19 July 2010). Email:
Professor Paula HAMILTON, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney. Biography and the senses: putting the visual into perspective. (8 March 2010 - 31 May 2010). Email:
Professor Stephen CLANCY, Art History, Ithana College, USA. Visualizing the Self and Others: Muslins, Jews, and Christians in Medieval Iberia. (15 March 2010 to 7 June 2010). Email:
Dr Luke GARTLAN, School of Art History, University of St Andrews, UK. Photographic Portraiture in Meiji Japan: New Practices, Customers, and Representations. (14 June 2010 to 5 September 2010). Email:
Dr Elizabeth CORY-PEARCE, Department of Anthropology, University College London. Form, Surface and Effect: Maori Portraiture in Cross-cultural Perspective. (28 June 2010 to 20 September 2010). Email:
Dr Karen GREENE, Joint HRC/Freilich Fellow, Medical Anthropology, Stanford University, USA. Gift of Abandonment: The Value of 'Children' and the Poetics and Politics of Adoption in 21st Century Cambodia. (10 July 2010 to 21 August 2010). Email:
Professor Hollis CLAYSON, Art History, Northwestern University, USA. Electric Paris: The City of Light in the Visual Culture of the Transatlantic (1870-1914). (2 August 2010 to 27 September 2010). Email:
Dr Lisanne GIBSON, Museum Studies, University of Leicester, UK. Museums and the politics of Urban Redevelopment. (23 August 2010 to 1 October 2010). Email:
Dr Petra KUPPERS, Department of English, University of Michigan, USA. Disability Representation in Australia: Imaging Disability Culture. (6 September 2010 to 29 November 2010). Email:
Visiting Fellows Biographies
Lim, Professor Shirley
Dates: 25 January 2010 to 19 April 2010
Research Project: Imaging Race and Gender in Australia: Anna May Wong
Shirley Jennifer Lim is Associate Professor of History and affiliate faculty in Women’s Studies, Africana Studies, and Cinema and Cultural Studies at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. The author of A Feeling of Belonging: Asian American Women’s Public Culture, 1930-1960 (NYU 2006), she is currently working on a book-length manuscript entitled “Performing the Modern: Anna May Wong and Josephine Baker.”
Christensen, Dr Matthew
Dates: 25 January 2010 to 19 April 2010
Research Project: Rebellious Histories: The Amistad Slave Rebellion, Black Transnationalism, and Modernity in Sierra Leone and the United States
Matthew Christensen is currently an assistant professor of English at the University of Texas-Pan American, located on the U.S.-Mexico border, where teaches African, postcolonial, and comparative world literature. He is completing his first book, Rebellious Histories: The Amistad Slave Rebellion, Black Transnationalism, and Modernity in Sierra Leone and the United States, which examines the cultural afterlives of the 1839 shipboard rebellion as it has been deployed to confront the legacies of Atlantic capitalism.
Wells, Professor Liz
Dates: 27 January 2010 to 19 April 2010
Research Project: Land, Landscape and Identity
Liz Wells writes and lectures on photographic practices. She is editor of The Photography Reader, 2003 and of Photography: A Critical Introduction, 2009, 4th ed.; also co-editor of photographies, Routledge journals.
Exhibitions as curator include Uneasy Spaces, an exhibition of work by 19 British-based artists working in photography and photo-video (New York, Sept - Nov. 2006) and Facing East, Contemporary Landscape Photography from Baltic Areas (UK tour 2004 - 2007). Her book, Land Matters: Landscape Photography, Culture and Identity, is due publication 2010. Other publications on landscape include Liz Wells, Kate Newton and Catherine Fehily, eds., Shifting Horizons, Women’s Landscape Photography Now, 2000.
She is Professor in Photographic Culture, Faculty of Arts, University of Plymouth, UK, and convenes the research group for Land/Water and the Visual Arts. www.landwater-research
Brydon, Professor Diana
Dates: 1 February 2010 to 21 April 2010
Research Project: Home in National and Global Imaginaries
Diana Brydon is Canada Research Chair in Globalization and Cultural Studies and Director of the Centre for Globalization and Cultural Studies at the University of Manitoba. She has published books on Christina Stead and Timothy Findley, edited Postcolonialism: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies and co-edited Shakespeare in Canada and Renegotiating Community: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Global Contexts. She currently serves as a member of the international convening group for a project on “Building Global Democracy” ( and is conducting research on home in global and national imaginaries and new literacies in cross-cultural contexts.
Webster, Professor Wendy
Dates: 15 February to 7 May 2010
Research Project: Englishness and Europe, 1935-1973
Wendy Webster’s current project on Englishness and Europe has been supported by a Leverhulme Research Fellowship.
Her writing, initially mainly in journalism, led to the publication of Not A Man To Match Her: The Marketing of a Prime Minister (Women’s Press, 1990). Since she turned to academic work, she has published widely on questions of imperialism, race, ethnicity, gender, migration and national identity, in contemporary British history including Imagining Home: Gender, ‘Race’, and National Identity (UCL Press, 1998) and Englishness and Empire, 1939-1965 (Oxford University Press, 2005) which was awarded the International Association for Media and History prize for best work in the field in 2006. Her latest book, co-edited with Louise Ryan is Gendering Migration: Masculinity, Femininity and Ethnicity in Post-war Britain (Ashgate, 2008). For further information on her current project and her publications, see
She is Professor Emerita of Contemporary British History at the University of Central Lancashire, UK.
Menzies, Jackie Dates: 15 February 2010 to 3 may 2010 plus 12-19 July 2010
Research Project:The Satiricla Gaze in India, 18th Century and later
Jackie Menzies, a graduate of the University of Sydney, has been responsible for the development of the Asian collections at the Art Gallery of New South Wales since her appointment in 1980. She has been responsible for many publications relating to the collections, and overseen two expansions of the Asian galleries (one in 1990; then most recently the upstairs Asian ‘pavilion’ in 2003). The 352 page book 'The Asian Collections' (2003), edited by her, was awarded 'Best Book of the Year' 2003 by the Power Institute and the Association of Art Historians of Australia and New Zealand. Ms Menzies has been the recipient of many grants, including two Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage grants: one with the University of Sydney, another with the University of Western Sydney, and an AMCAI (Art Museum Collections Accessibility Initiative) grant from the Ian Potter Foundation (2001-2003) to research audience development.
Ms Menzies has curated/organised many exhibitions – large and small - and edited/ contributed to many catalogues. Selected major Asian exhibitions include 'Imperial China' (1992), 'Sacred Images of Sri Lanka'(1994), 'INDIA: Dancing to the Flute' (1997), 'MODERN BOY, MODERN GIRL, Modernity in Japanese Art 1910-1935' (1998), 'BUDDHA, Radiant Awakening' (2001), and ‘GODDESS, Divine Energy’ (2006). The catalogue for GODDESS was awarded the Art Association of Australia and New Zealand (AAANZ) 2007 prize for best large catalogue with citation (in part) ‘…this catalogue, and the exhibition that accompanied it, are outstanding examples of global scholarly endeavour of the highest international standard’.
She has been a Director of VisAsia (the Australian Institute of Asian Art and Culture) since 2000, and was President of The Asian Arts Society of Australia (TAASA) 1993-2000 (Vice-President 1991-93). She was a recipient of a Centenary Medal of the Commonwealth of Australia in 2003, and in 2008 was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia for ‘the study, preservation and promotion of Asian art in Australia..’
Hamilton, Professor Paula
Dates: 8 March 2010 to 31 May 2010
Research Project:Biography and the senses: putting the visual into perspective
Paula Hamilton is Associate Professor of History at the University of Technology in Sydney. Her specialist areas of research include cultural history and memory studies, especially individual and public memory; oral history and biography. She is also the Director of the Australian Centre for Public History and has worked in a range of projects with museums, heritage agencies and community organisations. Her most recent publications are (co-edited with Linda Shopes) Oral History and Public Memories, Temple University Press, 2008 and (with Paul Ashton) the forthcoming History at the Crossroads: Australians and the Past, to be published by Halstead press in 2010.
Clancy, Professor Stephen
Dates: 15 March 2010 to 7 June 2010
Research Project: Visualizing the Self and Others: Muslins, Jews, and Christians in Medieval Iberia
Stephen Clancy is Professor and Chair of the Art History department at Ithaca College in Ithaca, New York. He began his professional life as a lawyer, before deciding to hang up his “law suits” to don the robes of academia. Professor Clancy teaches the history of Ancient, Medieval, and Northern Renaissance art and architecture, as well as general courses on visual culture and the rhetoric of images. Professor Clancy has published and presented extensively on the French fifteenth-century artist Jean Fouquet, Middle Byzantine ivory carving, and the northern French illuminator and panel painter Simon Marmion; his work on Marmion was supported by Fulbright Scholar and American Philosophical Society Awards in Belgium in 1995-96. His interest in infusing technology into the humanities led him to develop an interactive architectural visualization project entitled "The Virtual Chartres Cathedral" (, created with the aid of grants from the Hewlett and Keck foundations, and a six-month collaboration with Prof. Bharat Dave of the University of Melbourne. For a number of years he has also served as a lecturer and study leader on educational tours sponsored by the American Museum of Natural History. His current research project takes a trans-cultural approach to exploring specific ways in which Islamic, Christian, and Jewish cultures of medieval Iberia “[came] to know themselves and make sense of their relations with others” (Thomas Glick, “Convivencia: An Introductory Note,” Convivencia: Muslims, Jews, and Christians in Medieval Spain (New York, 1992), 1) by reacting inventively – in a continual series of visual responses and counter-response – when confronted with cultural traditions very different from their own. He is particularly interested in the intersection between resistance and appropriation in medieval Iberian visual culture, including post-medieval appropriations of rejected past identities. This research project in part grew out of extensive preparatory investigations for a course he developed entitled “Muslims, Jews, and Christians in Medieval Iberia,” which serves both the Muslim Studies and Jewish Studies programs at Ithaca College.
Gartlan, Dr Luke
Dates: 14 June 2010 to 6 September 2010
Research Project: Photographic Portraiture in Meiji Japan: New Practices, Customers, and Representations
Luke Gartlan is Lecturer in the School of Art History at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, where he teaches modules on the history of photography and colonial-era visual culture. He has held research fellowships at the University of Vienna (2004-05) and Nihon University, Tokyo (2005-07), and has contributed catalogue essays for the National Gallery of Victoria and the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography. Luke has published articles in Visual Resources, Early Popular Visual Culture, and The La Trobe Journal, and recently guest edited a special issue on photography in nineteenth-century Japan for History of Photography (May 2009). Currently he is working on a monograph on the aristocratic photographer Baron Raimund von Stillfried and his role as a cultural mediator and interpreter of Japanese culture. For more information see
Greene, Dr Karen
Dates: 10 July 2010 to 21 August 2010
Research Project: Gift of Abandonment: The Value of 'Children' and the Poetics and Politics of Adoption in 21st Century Cambodia
Karen Greene holds an MA from the University of California, Berkeley in Folklore and a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley/UCSF in Medical Anthropology. Her Master's thesis explored the transnational circulation and transformation of familiar courtship themes in the narratives of Cambodian refugee parents using films and tales to teach their daughters to be good Cambodian women, and in the daughters' self-making efforts to be both good Cambodians and good Americans. Karen's doctoral work followed the transformation of ethical discourse in the opposite directions. She interrogated human rights pedagogy, the transformation of ways of caring and the making of Cambodian young people into children-with-rights. Questions of governance, personhood, the vibrancy of young people, and the ontological stakes in the circulation of persons, ideas, and things drive her work, and shape in her research questions.
Clayson, Dr Hollis
Dates: 2 August 2010 to 27 September 2010
Research Project: Electric Paris: The City of Light in the Visual Culture of the Transatlantic (1870-1914)
Hollis Clayson (Ph.D., Art History, University of California at Los Angeles) is Bergen Evans Professor in the Humanities and Director of the Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities at Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois, USA). She has been the recipient of many research fellowships and teaching awards, and her publications include Painted Love: Prostitution in French Art of the Impressionist Era (1991 and 2003) and Paris in Despair: Art and Everyday Life Under Siege (1870-71) (2002). Her current book-in-progress is Electric Paris: The City of Light in the Visual Cultures of the Transatlantic (1870-1914).
Gibson, Dr Lisanne
Dates: 23 August 2010 to 1 October 2010
Research Project: Museums and the politics of Urban Redevelopment
Lisanne Gibson is a lecturer in the Department of Museum Studies at the University of Leicester. She writes on a range of cultural policy issues including the history of museums, public art, cultural heritage, cultural value, cultural industries, and cultural development. She has published three books: Valuing Historic Environments (Ashgate, 2009, co-edited with JohnPendlebury); Monumental Queensland: Signposts on a Cultural Landscape, (University of Queensland Press, 2004, co-authored with Joanna Besley); and, The Uses of Art: Constructing Australian Identities (University of Queensland Press, 2001). Lisanne has also co-edited special journal issues on culture-led regeneration- International Journal of Cultural Policy (2004), and, on cultural industries and cultural development- Media International Australia (2004 and 2002). Lisanne is currently working on a monograph Museums and the Politics of Urban Redevelopment. The overarching argument of Lisanne’s work is that cultural management and funding must be clear-eyed about not only its economic or cultural effects but also its social and political effects. For further biographical information and a full publication list see
Kuppers, Dr Petra
Dates: 6 September 2010 to 29 November 2010
Research Project: Disability Representation in Australia: Imaging Disability Culture
Petra Kuppers is the Artistic Director of The Olimpias (, and Associate Professor of English, Women's Studies and Theatre and Dance at the University of Michigan. Her books include Disability and Contemporary Performance: Bodies on Edge (Routledge, 2003), The Scar of Visibility: Medical Performances and Contemporary Art (Minnesota, 2007), Community Performance: An Introduction (Routledge, 2007), and the co-authored poetry collection, with Neil Marcus, Cripple Poetics (Homofactus Press, 2008).