Science. Art. Film. puts Jaws, Interstellar and more under the spotlight

Science. Art. Film. puts Jaws, Interstellar and more under the spotlight
Image by Jakob Owens on Unsplash
Tuesday 6 February 2024

The popular Science. Art. Film. series from the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia (NFSA) and the Australian National University (ANU) returns to Arc Cinema in 2024, inviting audiences to examine the social and cultural forces at play in a variety of influential films. Each free screening is followed by a discussion, bringing together experts across diverse fields and cutting-edge research.

Co-presented by the HRC, the series is hosted by Dr Anna-Sophie Jürgens (HRC Adjunct Fellow and ANU Centre for the Public Awareness of Science). Special guests will include composer Dr Kenneth Lampl; biotechnologist Dr Dan Santos; and historians Dr Tatiana Bur, Dr Karo Moret-Miranda and Agha Rita, with more to be announced. 

‘This series explores our ideas, desires and fears about science and technology as portrayed in different genres and times.The lively discussions unpack how pop cultural narratives affect public discourse and understanding about science, and, by extension, the relationship between society and science.' Dr Anna-Sophie Jürgens

The program includes Stephen Spielberg’s 1975 thriller Jaws, which profoundly impacted public perception of sharks, as well as Black Orpheus, which won international acclaim but drew criticism in Brazil (where the film was set) for stereotyping of Brazilian culture and idealised portrayal of the favelas. Science fiction remains central to the series, with upcoming screenings of Vesper, Interstellar and Chappie, which will spark discussions about genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, and possible or imagined agricultural and technological futures.

Find details for all the scheduled screenings on our website here. Tickets are free but reservations essential.

Science. Art. Film. is co-presented by the NFSA, the Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science and the Humanities Research Centre at ANU.
The program for the second half of 2024 will be announced later in the year.


Updated:  6 February 2024/Responsible Officer:  Head, Centre/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications