HRC Internal Fellowships

HRC Internal Fellowships
HRC Internal Fellowships are co-sponsored with CASS Research Schools to provide one semester of research-only time and sessional support to cover teaching responsibilities.
Up to two fellowships per year will be awarded to staff from the RSHA (one) and RSSS (one) to complete a book manuscript, substantial journal article(s), or equivalent non-traditional research output. Early and mid-career researchers are encouraged to apply.
The main criteria for selection is research excellence and the quality of the academic venue. Potential applicants are required to seek endorsement of their proposal with their Head of School or the Director of the RSHA or RSSS.
Successful applicants must be located in the HRC for the duration of their fellowship, with time away for research and/or conference attendance is not to exceed four weeks during the entire fellowship.
At the end of the fellowship, the RSHA Internal Fellow may be invited to continue their affiliation with the HRC as an Associate Research Fellow, renewable on an annual basis for a total period of up to three years. Renewal will be evaluated on the basis of a continued demonstrated engagement with, active participation in, and promotion of the HRC’s programs and events.
• The Fellows will be scholars-in-residence at the ANU Humanities Research Centre (Baldessin Precinct Building, Level 4), and will participate regularly in the intellectual life and activities of the HRC.
• Fellows will be expected to make use of their office in the HRC when on campus.
• Fellows are expected to attend HRC Work-in-Progress Seminars and morning teas held every Tuesday at 10.15am.
• Fellows are expected to present their research as part of the HRC Work-in-Progress seminar series or at another HRC event during their Fellowship.
• The Fellowship will fund one semester of teaching relief. Fellows are expected to remain in Canberra, and the Monograph Fellowship may not be taken concurrently with the College’s Outside Studies Program (OSP).
• Successful applicants may not apply for the Monograph Fellowship in consecutive years.
• No additional funding will be provided apart from the teaching relief (e.g., for a book launch, or copy editing).