Honorary and Visiting Fellowships

The HRC considers expressions of interest by external scholars and researchers interested in becoming an ANU Honorary or Visiting Fellow.
If you would like to be considered for an honorary association with the HRC, please send an email to the Head of the HRC that explains:
- Why you are seeking an association with the HRC
- What research outputs you expect to complete during the term of association
- How you will contribute to the Centre through the term of the association, and, if relevant
- What collaboration you expect to develop or consolidate as a result of being associated with us.*
*We support collaborations (including interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary collaborations) across all disciplines and the whole ANU, as long as they are relevant to or include humanities research in some way.
Your expression of interest must also include your qualifications and current position, your up-to-date curriculum vitae, and the names and contact information for two referees (one of whom should be based at ANU if you are seeking the association to develop or progress collaborative research here). Research track records will be judged relative to opportunity. Applications from doctoral candidates enrolled at other universities who have a reason to be affiliated with the HRC will be considered.
Please note that we receive a large number of EOIs each year and can only reply to those we feel we may be able to support. There is no financial support associated with these fellowships. They are usually non-residential, and thus may be most suitable for our ‘virtual’ or internationally-located partners or collaborators.